• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • An engine fire isn’t necessarily an issue of the aircraft itself. Engines are quite disconnected from the aircraft they are propelling, many aircraft do have multiple engine options, and jet engines are often not even owned by the aircraft’s owner, but leased directly from the engine manufacturer in a separate contract, because they are so damn expensive.

  • The EU is doing something infinitely better than placing tariffs on random goods, a strategy already used when that orange turd was US president the last time. They are very specifically targeting products of US states that voted for him and his party where the impact on the EU economy is minimal.

    No surprise he is foaming at the mouth over that, I guess those in his inner circle who do have more brains than him (Is it true that all orange presidents have to share the single brain cell with all the orange cats, by the way?) did already complain about the bad EU ruining their business.

  • Ich hoffe auf dieses Gelaber fallen nächstes mal nicht viele rein.

    Die FDP weiß leider zu genau, dass nächstes Mal wieder Viele auf ihr Gelaber reinfallen wrden. Denn so war das immer. Regierungsbeteiligung führt zu schlechtem Wahlergebnis, aber 1 bis 2 Wahlperioden später ist das wieder vergessen. Von den Medien hat man nichts zu befürchten, denn die berichten nur darüber, was Partein labern, nicht, darüber, was sie tun und noch weniger darüber, was sie getan haben. Außerdem gibt es dann wieder eine neue Generation Erstwähler, von denen viele zu dumm sind, sich vor der Wahl mal über die Vergangenheit der Partei, deren Werbung sie so anspricht, zu informieren.