Still very committed to being uncommitted, even while other people are facing hardship. Will you still be uncommitted when you’re facing hardship from the MAGAs?
Still very committed to being uncommitted, even while other people are facing hardship. Will you still be uncommitted when you’re facing hardship from the MAGAs?
Don’t know how it is in Europe, but here in Canada we have marketing boards to ensure that we’re always producing more food supply than needed. Because it’s kinda bad to have less food than needed, so we want to have a little bit of margin to ensure that doesn’t happen. BTW this is why food is a contentious trade issue with the US, we don’t want to be dependent on food production that has no safety margin.
Anyway, it’s very possible countries are producing more than they need and could supply the US with the excess. It may not meet all of the demand in the US, but it would help bring down the price a bit. Yes the prices wouldn’t be the same as it was before the Avian flu outbreaks, but it would be lower than it is now.
It’s something that could happen if Trump didn’t burn all the goodwill with all of the allies of the US. According to Trump “We don’t need anything they have.” So you will pay more for things, because Trump thinks you don’t need them.
Yeah they cast a lot of guys like Peter Graves and Robert Stack that normally appeared in the over-serious thriller type movies. So Leslie Nielsen was just one of that group of actors they cast to have guys deliver silly lines in that stern serious tone that they did in actual serious movies.
But of course Leslie Nielsen was amazing at it, and didn’t need to do those over-serious movies anymore. And don’t call me Shirley!
And then they made Blofeld to be James Bond’s brother which was never a thing in any Bond movie before. That was just a thing they did in Austin Powers.
Dr. Strangelove was released before Fail Safe. The story goes that they were both being filmed around the same time and Kubrick used his pull with the studio to make sure Fail Safe was released later in the year.
Seems a really odd thing to insist your parody is released before the movie it’s parodying. And I don’t think there were all that many movies about the terror of nuclear war until after the Cuban missile crisis. It takes a couple of years to make a movie and Dr. Strangelove came out less than two years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, so it was pretty much the first of it’s kind.
Seems to me like Dr. Strangelove is a black comedy, not a parody.
Religion provided people with a sense of community. Without it, they’ve been finding community on the internet which has resulted in people believing in all kinds of strange things. Significantly stranger than there being a metaphysical consciousness in the universe.
Religion, while not perfect, often tries to encourage people to be better. Of course religion can be corrupted by politics at times, and we’re certainly in one of those times. But the general concept of people coming together and encouraging each other to be better isn’t a bad thing.
Internet groups are worse than religion, many of them are devoted towards hating an enemy and unlike religion, make no effort to encourage people to better themselves. Religion can often fail at this goal, but most internet groups make no attempt to be better than a failed religion. Case in point: [email protected]
Yup. The US is currently deporting a significant portion of it’s agricultural workforce, while putting insane tariffs on the countries it imports food from, while also doing major cuts to the government which makes problems like avian flue more likely.
The Trump regime has a very “let them eat cake” approach to the food supply.
How does the Tienanmen Square massacre fit into Marxism-Leninism ideology?
And who wrote about this “stage” of Marxist-Leninism that makes capitalism is legal and labour unions are illegal? Would that be the ruling party that’s dominated by billionaires?
Splitting hairs is what tankies do when they get called out for their bullshit. Also giving bullet point lists that are thinly veiled propaganda and are exhausting to debunk.
I think it’s a tail wagging the dog situation, really. They don’t care about the Pirates movies, they’re just using it as an opportunity to push their weirdo narratives.
They want to get views and monetization monies so they will latch onto anything they see as popular and inject their narrative onto it. Talking about popular things expands the number of people the algorithm will recommend their stuff to. The narrative is there to capture the audience and keep them coming back.
Once you have a group of weirdos together they will start trying to one-up each other with their weirdness. Eventually a few will cross the line and start making death threats, swatting people, and sometimes even mass killings can occur. It isn’t about the Pirates, it’s about proving to the rest of the group how devoted to the weirdo “cause” they are.
The Democrats have no power in the US now. They still hold a few governorships, but the GOP has complete control of the US federal government and that’s all that matters on the international scene.
It’s a distinctly American thing to blame the Democrats for anything the government does even when they don’t control the government. Then they wonder why the Democrats struggle to win elections even against insane GOP candidates like Trump.
In what other country is the opposition party blamed for what the governing party is doing? Only in America.
Things are the way they are in the US because people voted for it. The Democrats aren’t doing anything because anything they do now would be purely performative and have no effect. They’re a political party, not a revolutionary movement. They aren’t doing anything until the next election (if there is one!) because that’s how it works with political parties in a democracy.
It would be the same in Canada. If Pollievre got a majority and brought in Elon Musk to kill the government there would be nothing the Liberals, NDP, or any other party could do. That’s why it’s important to vote and vote wisely.
The polling suggests that the CPC is capturing young, angry, and terminally online voters same as Trump did. So that’s a bit concerning.
I’m from the east, but have some in-laws from Alberta. Not farmers though, people with family in the oil industry. They seem to 100% support Pollievre and went from Trudeau is evil to Carney is evil before they knew anything about him. So the CPC will probably still do ok in Alberta.
There’s also people who’ve read the newspaper every day of their lives and now that newspaper is owned by postmedia. They tend to hate every prominent Liberal, wonder why?
But yeah Pollievre lost a lot of support in the eastern part of the country. Hearing about the security clearance stuff from family members unprompted, and people are very suspicious of a guy that doesn’t want to even look at the intel about who in his party may be a foreign asset.
Given all of the factors of American oil industry influence, American postmedia influence and American social media influence, I think it will be close.
People in China accept having Xi as a dictator for life because they feel like a strong man is needed to run the economy and protect them from evil foreigners. Also he keeps the billionaires in China wealthy by oppressing the workers, so they support him.
Does any of this sound familiar? The US is already becoming China, no annexation needed.
Sorry Tankies, we aren’t going to run to China, Russia, and NK just because the US is starting act more like them.
Proportional representation only looks good on a spreadsheet. It’s terrible when you consider power dynamics, which you should when thinking about political systems.
I voted NDP last time around, but Singh is an idiot, and no one respects an idiot. Why did he want to vote no confidence to have an early election which would result in a CPC majority? He got too caught up in political bullshit, and I can’t respect him.
The priority now is to prevent Poilievre from getting into power. Singh isn’t the guy to do that, Carney is.
I think everyone is thinking the same way. I think the probability of the US invading is low, but there is a probability.
Even if the US never uses their military against us, there’s a very real chance they withhold parts for military equipment as leverage in a negotiation. They are already withholding military aid from Ukraine as leverage after all. That alone makes it imperative we end Canada’s dependency on the US defense industry.
Why do you feel the need to mention the investor is Jewish? I’m all-in on boycotting the US, but I’m not a goddamn anti-semite FFS.
Same goes for Teslas. Just that the human that’s making them a dangerous way to travel is Elon Musk.