Linked National Post on purpose. Given their bias I believe they’d present the worst case scenario.
E: Apparently the article is from 2016 so the cost is likely higher today.
Linked National Post on purpose. Given their bias I believe they’d present the worst case scenario.
E: Apparently the article is from 2016 so the cost is likely higher today.
America is currently at war with us, declared abruptly and out of nowhere. They just decided one day “we want to annex Canada!”
Even if Donald’s presidency is short-lived and a new slightly saner and less stupid administration takes control, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be trusting the Americans any more.
We need to disentangle ourselves from any military dependence on such ridiculously unreliable “allies.” I’m all for this.
I think everyone is thinking the same way. I think the probability of the US invading is low, but there is a probability.
Even if the US never uses their military against us, there’s a very real chance they withhold parts for military equipment as leverage in a negotiation. They are already withholding military aid from Ukraine as leverage after all. That alone makes it imperative we end Canada’s dependency on the US defense industry.