Religion provided people with a sense of community. Without it, they’ve been finding community on the internet which has resulted in people believing in all kinds of strange things. Significantly stranger than there being a metaphysical consciousness in the universe.
Religion, while not perfect, often tries to encourage people to be better. Of course religion can be corrupted by politics at times, and we’re certainly in one of those times. But the general concept of people coming together and encouraging each other to be better isn’t a bad thing.
Internet groups are worse than religion, many of them are devoted towards hating an enemy and unlike religion, make no effort to encourage people to better themselves. Religion can often fail at this goal, but most internet groups make no attempt to be better than a failed religion. Case in point: [email protected]
Religion provided people with a sense of community. Without it, they’ve been finding community on the internet which has resulted in people believing in all kinds of strange things. Significantly stranger than there being a metaphysical consciousness in the universe.
Religion, while not perfect, often tries to encourage people to be better. Of course religion can be corrupted by politics at times, and we’re certainly in one of those times. But the general concept of people coming together and encouraging each other to be better isn’t a bad thing.
Internet groups are worse than religion, many of them are devoted towards hating an enemy and unlike religion, make no effort to encourage people to better themselves. Religion can often fail at this goal, but most internet groups make no attempt to be better than a failed religion. Case in point: [email protected]