Today she was lamenting about Trump and all the havoc.
I reminded her about how she praised Trump around the time of the election, specifically saying she approved of “a strong man” and making a fist gesture as she said it.
But I was corrected. Turns out I mis-remembered. She always supported Kamala, who “listens to people” unlike Trump who “is always complaining”.
Dude, he’s been caught talking about how he wants to fuck her. And the old pics of them? Lets be real. One thing is a coincidence, but 17 accusers, one guilty verdict, pictures, the way he talks to women, his wife’s avoidance to even hold his hand? YOU have to be lying yourself to think all these red flags mean nothing. Epstein Island? Walking in on teens dressing? Get real.
I’m not having a discussion about whether or not Trump raped his child. I’m having a discussion about whether the evidence you presented is valid evidence. It’s not, and hearing someone say that sent you off on a tizzy. Reflect.
Tizzy? Lol eat shit. Fucking rapist apologists.