From Stojan Mihoric
Steinkauz Slovenija Nikon D500 200-500mm f5.6 1/1000s iso640 f5.6
Me when I haven’t had my coffee yet
Thanks for the daily pics anon, I really, really enjoy them!
I always love to hear that!
Do you have a favorite owl or owl fact yet?
Wait til you hear about rictal bristles!
I love seeing Snowy Owls! They always look pretty majestic but menacing at the same time. Got to see one up close a few years ago, too:
Nice photos! I haven’t seen a Snowy in person yet. I want to though, as they are so emotive. I like the picture where his head is pulled back and he’s all, “who let you in?” 😆
If you didn’t know, all Snowies start off black as babies, then the adult plumage has the black spots, and the males will lose spots as they age, while females retain most of them. This one just has some speckles at his rear end yet, so it’s pretty reliably going to be a male in this case.
“who let you in?” 😆
Interesting fact about the spots, thanks for indulging me!
Of course!
Metal AF
I always appreciate that even the smallest owls are not one bit less ferocious than the biggest ones.
Whether it’s the Elf Owl eating live scorpions or the Burrow Owl imitating a rattlesnake to scare away bigger animals, owls will always show why they’re top of the food chain.