
For all your owl related needs!

  • 53 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOPtoSuperbowl@lemmy.worldPowlestine
    21 hours ago

    There were a lot less owls to name in the world back then! 😆

    Little Owl is extremely famous. It is the companion of Greek goddess Athena and Roman counterpart Minerva, and is one the classic ancient Greek coin and is a popular symbol on many other items from ancient to modern! The Germans loved them so much, they brought them to New Zealand to share with them. They call it Stone Owl (Steinkauz).

  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOPtoSuperbowl@lemmy.worldPowlestine
    22 hours ago

    Nope, right genus, wrong part of the world. Burrowing Owls belong to North and South America. Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa all get its above ground relative, the Little Owl.

    From BiteYourBum.Com Photography

    Little Owl vs Burrowing Owl

    We recently had the great opportunity to photograph two very similar small Owls (Athene sp.) on two continents where they resided in completely different habitats.

    Left is the Little Owl (Athene noctua), in Sussex England UK
    March 2016

    Right is the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in California USA
    November 2015

  • I think manga/anime covers mostly one sided rivalry better than a lot of other media. I think it’s that drive for perfection that pushes many characters. One is already shown to be near perfect, and the other is always trying to catch up.

    Examples would be Bakugo and Midoria from My Hero Academia. Midoria is by far the most powerful and sees Bakugo as a friend, not a rival, but Bakugo is obsessed to outdo him and keeps pressing himself to find a way to do something Midoria cannot.

    I also think of Ippo and Miyata from Hajime no Ippo. There is a bit more 2 sidedness here, but it is mostly Ippo. Miyata sees they are becoming closer in skill, so he leaves the gym to build himself up on his own away from Ippo, and though Ippo beats people that would outclass Miyata, Miyata is still the one Ippo wants to beat since he set him on the start to his success but still was usually one step ahead of where he wanted to be. Miyata wanted to stay that one step ahead, but wasn’t constantly using Ippo to do that after a point, he knew he had to keep looking for greater challenges if he didn’t want to be surpassed.

  • Great questions! I’ll make some speculation based on some reading. I’m not a biologist or anything, so much if the reading is either too simple or too complex for me.

    Each eyelid seems to be better at a different task, so let’s look at them one at a time.

    Top eyelid for blinking. This is most likely functioning like our upper eyelids. It’s soft on the inside, can clear out basic debris, and spreads moisture around the eye. That’s the same reason we all blink.

    Bottom eyelid for sleeping. Most of these owls sleep during the day. If you close your eyes in the sun or a bright room, you can normally still detect some light. Owl lower eyelids have a thick collagen plate that I would have to guess works as a blackout curtain. That seems it would aid in then being able to sleep during the day.

    Nictating membrane, the special purpose eyelid. Nictate means “to blink” so it’s seems named for its ability to retract. Think of a cat in rough grass, an alligator in muddy water, or an owl, flying at night through trees. Also, all of these animals are predators that will get in fights. In these situations, they need to have their eyes open, but also protected from cuts. Also with birds like the peregrine that dive at very high speeds, this membrane let’s them both clear dirty from their eyes, provide another source of tears for lubrication, and still let them have some vision. The membrane is not perfectly clear. It has glands and a T shaped piece of cartilage for structure, so it would hinder vision to be over the eye at all times. It does seem to be the fastest moving eyelid, so it can be brought out as fast as possible.

    Here you can see the loss of visual clarity by having the membrane in place. It isn’t fully transparent, but enough to still have an idea what is going on around them.

    Here is a drawing showing the glands and T Shaped cartilage piece.