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On point
They’re explicitly a centre-right party though. Having a two party system is jokes in this day-and-age (presumably why MAGA replaced it with your new one-party system).
Sadly too many people refuse to acknowledge/accept that the dnc is at all right leaning
So many have been brainwashed that DNC is the “left”.
I am becoming a believer that it isnt weakness, its complicity. The weakness is just a good facade to hide the truth.
It also shouldnt be surprising, the government is just a capitalist mouth piece.
“Fuck you I got mine” should be printed on our money
The power of the status quo flows through me
Democrats are insidious like that, they lull you to sleep with petty reform (inaction) then all of a sudden your neck deep in some insane culture war with all these niche idealogies vying for uber-commodification meanwhile theres a mass congregation of rabid reactionary literal hitlerites spurned on by the media to act as a defense for the rich mfers.
At this point it feels like they were only ever there to give the illusion of choice.
"I affirm your identity! You’re free to be who you are without shame! As you die in a cardboard box under a freeway of exposure for failing to be exploited well enough, and as an intentional threat to the other poories to keep laboring for their corpo bribers. 🤷
Ooh, but here, have a ribbon! I hear they’re quite tasty when boiled."
They’re not the primary villain, those are the corpo Fascists, but they’re sure as shit the bumbling secondary antagonist. The Denethor to Sauron.
Its all wedge issues. Keep us arguing about stuff that doesn’t get in the way of capitalism and you wont demand a better life. Hell many of us will even defend the party that aligns with our side of a wedge issue because “At least it isnt the other one i hate”, and while i understand voting for the lesser evil, we all do it, I will never understand defending the lesser evil. If 2 people are stabbing me to death I wont thank the one using a smaller knife.
“4/5 stabees confirm: Small knife party much preferred to Big knife party!”
Support more progressive democrats like AOC and Bernie
They follow the party line just as much all the other democrats.
That won’t fix things, though. The Democratic party can’t go against its base, the bourgeoisie, it acts like a great filter. An actual worker party, like PSL, needs to be built up and supported instead.
Bernie has literally stated that he only runs as a Dem because of the 2 party system and would otherwise be an independent which is the case with most progressives.
Turning up your nose at 2 perfectly good candidates in favor of some non-existent hypothetical candidate is crazy.
it’s not crazy; it’s ackowledging the absurdity that there’s no real choice and examples like mexico w shienbaum & amlo proved that it’s easily possible once you stop uncritically swallowing this type of propaganda.
Bernie, the guy who refuses to call the Palestinian genocide a genocide? This marvelous tweet Bernie? https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/d200e7bc-08c9-4b63-954b-0a7973050cc3.jpeg Bernie the supporter of about every US regime war?
Correct, Bernie’s strategy also hasn’t worked. As a Communist I don’t consider Bernie and AOC to be “perfectly good,” and the 2 party system itself needs to be overthrown in order to be fixed, which isn’t happening at the ballot box either.
Bernie and those like him have informed me and many others of what a good politician can look like and may have inspired others like AOC to start their career. I will support them as much as I can because they may inspire even more like them to actually have enough people to make a meaningful change in the party or, if we miraculously get away from the two party system, spin up a new one.
Bernie certainly isn’t as bad as, say, Fetterman, but he has his fair share of bad policy (especially foreign policy, which ends up just being justification for US Imperialism), and due to how the 2 party system works the Democrats will never be able to truly be “taken over” by progressives, as that would hurt their donor-base, the bourgeoisie. A genuine worker party is necessary, but it will not be capable of being reformist, it must be revolutionary, ie PSL.
I respectfully disagree that the party could never change due to their current funding, and I am rubbed the wrong way by how you continue to seem to push that I shouldn’t support better politicians just because they aren’t perfect.
I respectfully disagree that the party could never change due to their current funding
If what you are saying is that the democratic party could change because we vote in enough progressives then I have a bridge to sell you. The capitalists who own the government would just out-finance progressive election attempts. Think of how many progressives we would need to have it impact the whole Dem party, now think about how many elections that is where the entire force of the media is against the politician who will actually fight for you. Now consider how easily manipulated our wildly uneducated population is.
I know its a bitter pill to swallow but capitalism has already destroyed democracy long ago. It is just that we have been in decline for so long now that it is finally becoming unavoidably obvious.
Not being fine with supporting genocide isn’t the same as demanding perfection at all….
Not trying to be mean, but how do you envision the DNC changing its tune?
As for your bit on me implying only perfection is acceptable, that’s not my stance, rather what I consider acceptable is pretty different. Again, I’m a Communist, that doesn’t mean I need my candidate to start a guerilla war from the mountains against their local Wal-Mart, but it does mean I hold stock in anti-US Imperialism and a dedication to bringing about Socialism, which at this point does require revolution.
You are in .ml, of course they would advocate for someone further left than Bernie and AOC no matter how implausible their ideas are.
implausible their ideas
Ideas so implausible a country of similar size to America, China that follows our ideas on how a country should be run actually has a surplus of housing issue they have literally built too many houses and have no one to sell them too as 90% of people in China own a house.
So implausible.
To be clear, AOC’s and Bernie’s ideas don’t seem to have a real path to implementation. Marxists aren’t idealists, we are practical and are Materialists, and part of that practicality is understanding that policies can sound good, but without a path to implementation they might as well be ghosts, even if they are more moderate ideas.
Funny how their “marxist” ideas are and have been implemented in Europe for 80+ years.
I didn’t call Bernie or AOC Marxists, rather they are Social Democrats. I myself am a Marxist-Leninist and am speaking as one, hence “we.” Social Democracies in the Nordics are built on Imperialism, that’s how they sustain themselves, and only have the privledges they do because the bourgeoisie was afraid of revolution like in Russia when it first went Socialist.
The Republicans are a mass shooter massacring children inside a school
The Democrats are the Uvalde police department
They’re just standing around holding their dicks LETTING it happen completely unopposed.
…and the American people are the citizens of Uvalde safe in their homes watching it live on their screens.
No, the US populace is the town of Uvalde then overwhelmingly voting GOP again immediately following their completely preventable tragedy.“Learn nothing, be more confident” is our real motto.
I think your “no” could have been a “yes, and” because I’m right there with thou on this.
Seriously wtf, autocarrot?
Best analogy I’ve seen so far, thanks so much.
they aren’t the first person to say that i’ve seen this week, but they are the first person i’ve seen pass it off as their own.
I hadn’t read it as “theirs”, I assume they heard it somewhere and are repeating it just as I plan to do.