hosting them was such a pain in the ass too, i only did it once and didn’t have enough space or power outlets for everyone; some of them had to play without speakers. lol
hosting them was such a pain in the ass too, i only did it once and didn’t have enough space or power outlets for everyone; some of them had to play without speakers. lol
oh god, windows 95/98/2000! netscape!! geocities!!! this brings back SO MANY memories. lol
other than having been next in line
it’s funny that they use the same reasoning that pelosi used to block aoc from the oversight committee position.
i started doing this to my new employer who pays less than half of what my previous employers did and let’s just say that i have A LOT of time on my hands now. lol
at first, i thought you crossposed this to the star trek instance and i was going to warn you that they’re reactionary and delight in banning leftists. lol
the oniony layers of reactionaryism when it comes to star trek has been sadly fascinating to me: i lol’ed with conservative trekkies were lambasted by liberals for calling trek too woke because its newest series embraced lgbt and poc characters/stories and then i was just as stunned as those conservatives when those same liberals likewise ostracized leftists trekkies despite celebrating the leftist basis of star trek, like in the “fully automated gay space communism” meme.
i wish i could understood how you can celebrate a popular leftist series; but reject leftists.
i rue everyday that i’m not a graduate of starfleet academy and don’t have fully automated gay space communism enabling me to live my best life.
i only recognized one of them and I AM concerned. lol
Harm reduction had led is to our first openly fascist President.
It literally happened in the last election; the idiocy here is refusing to believe it happened, but it makes sense that blue maga will continue willfully ignoring reality just like their red maga counterparts.
it’s not crazy; it’s ackowledging the absurdity that there’s no real choice and examples like mexico w shienbaum & amlo proved that it’s easily possible once you stop uncritically swallowing this type of propaganda.
this is one of those key details that blue maga will willfully not see when they insist that we continue to vote blue no matter who in the next election.
reddit: definately, but lemmy: not so much
you’re missing the point and no nation’s founder’s character is unassailable.
we give grand canyon sized passes to these specific founders to white wash their truly horrific behaviors (that we know about); but don’t do the same thing for founders that we consider our enemies and that’s indicative of the propaganda that we keep perpetuating when we repeat this whitewashing to each other; as well as the reason why we’re descending into fascism.
no one is immune to propaganda so, yes, you are part of the problem like i am; the only difference is that me along with most of the people commenting on this post are aware of this specific propaganda and you’re not; hopefully unwittingly so.
Yes, Democrats are bizarre and stupid so any take inspired by them is precisely that; but it needs to be said for the fools who agree w them to serve as a mirror.
Unfortunately they don’t seem to understand that appearing ineffectual turns centrists off even more than appearing radical does.
Does it though?
Look at how much .world or reddit downvote and deride posts critical of Democrat behavior since the beginning on the election and the only takeaway you can get is that they’re in onboard with it no matter how much they hate it simply because Republicans are worse.
What if MLK did not support feminists? Would he now be considered scum, thus negating everything good he ever did?
he literally addressed the national organization for women in 1966 and espoused their ideals.
giving a pass to the people from history is problematic because the same ideals of progressiveness that we pride ourselves on today were present in the past and people knew that it existed; they simply weren’t as popular back then as they are now and anyone espousing them back then were treated like tankies of their own time.
giving them a pass only helps to excuse regressivism and anti-progressive sentiment like both the republicans and democrats (respectively) practice today; this is a key reason why we have trump as president today and probably jd vance tomorrow.
i saw something like this once and their source was the neatest and most professional i’ve ever seen and it’s convinced me that this is the only way refactoring ever happens.