The atmosphere is nearly perfect for an EU resurgence. American workers potentially willing to leave is only one piece of it. You also have interest in drawing together as a continent against a new shared enemy. Hell even Germany is ready to drop their spending limitations to actually try to rise to the occasion.
I really wish they’d take it a step further and pump heavy investment into the region - and not just defense. Isn’t it exactly the right time to build European industries to replace the American ones they are no longer sure they can trust?
This French university made the news on scientific news sources a week or so ago when they announced this, I thought it was a fluke… glad to see they are getting applicants
Of course, I am fully aware that this is just one isolated case since US-based academics would never think of applying for European positions. Most US-based academics would never know resources such as EURAXESS which hosts many academic positions in Eurozone and beyond, or jobrxiv dot org which also includes lots of European academic positions. This is not mentioning country-specific resources such as when I was lurking on jobbnorge dot no for Norwegian jobs, and a personal communication I had with someone at University of Gothenburg who was literally asking me where to look for US-based postdoctoral applicants…
Anyway what was I saying
side note: Brain drain from an adversary is one of the reasons why the US completed the Manhattan Project faster. History repeating itself. Maybe this time around the fusion project is completed faster with the intention of long term peace without the need for deterrence.
CERN was originally going to be built in Texas. Texas turned it down because they couldn’t see wasting all that money. It was the first time I ever heard Texas sayign something cost too much.
it just wasn’t big enough for texas…
It was the SSC, and they started building it but the federal Congress killed it, signed by Bill Clinton. Texas funded 400 million of the 2 billion cost up to the cancellation. I believe it was sacrificed on the altar of balancing the national budget. Texas reluctance to continue funding it was a contributing factor yes, but pretty much no one wanted to keep paying for it.
Keep in mind 2 billion in 90’s dollars is roughly 4-5 billion in today money.
First you gotta pitch that as a startup, why should I invest in this brain drain long term peace?
Can some of y’all flee to Canada instead?
We have French Canada if your dead set on speaking French.
I 100% would but being “skilled labor” kinda ruins it. I am finding out that 15 years of nuclear instrumentation work doesn’t appear to help much, at least not according to what I have found. For now though I am stuck here dealing with the insanity of America’s downfall. New plan is to save all my money to spend abroad and in Canada when on vacation. Just embarrassing to be American now.
I’d love to move to Canada. How can I find a job there?
Aw shiz, now when it turns out US scientists don’t know sciency stuff because hustle culture
Any recommendations on where to look? Specialized Sr Software Architect with a lot of Healthcare and Defense experience. I just need to be able to bring my family. Completely unconcerned about any amount of paycut. I just want my children to grow up safe. I’ve been looking at Ireland mainly, but open to any suggestions.
Canada? What’s your background is the honest answer because if you can get some sort of naturalization through your parents it’s the best bet.
Honest question though if YouTube has taught me anything it’s that America is unique on if you leave you’re still obligated to pay taxes to America and if your renounce your citizenship you’re still obligated to pay America. Seriously the country is a racket.
I’m looking forward to hearing all the people that say raising taxes would lead to all the talented people leaving the country addressing this.*
Realistically I understand that they’re all talentless lying bastard failsons that just wanted to make more passive income from their family’s wealth and no journalist will ever challenge them on it.
I suddenly like a lot of things about France.
I have a vps with OVH which is French, and pretty great.
I’ll 100% sign up with eutel (?) satellite internet if it’s ever available here.
I’ve also been using mistral l, a French LLM, to draft some documents lately.
It will take me sometime to save enough money, but once I do I am fleeing as well.
Back in 1945 you know how many people America took in who did any kind of scientific work. wernher von braun may be the most famous. That was just to insure that America would be leaders in the world. Now it doesn’t seem America wants to have anything to do with leading the world in any field to progresses america as a country.
Wernher Von Braun? This one?! Hahahah
Gather 'round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun A man whose allegiance Is ruled by expedience Call him a Nazi, he won’t even frown “Ha, Nazi, Schmazi” says Wernher von Braun
Don’t say that he’s hypocritical Say rather that he’s apolitical “Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That’s not my department” say Wernher von Braun
Wdym? We already have Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg, Horowitz, Yarvin, etc.
EDIT: apparently the sarcasm wasn’t obvious, so here’s your ‘/s’
the usa doesnt need MORE capitalists
You just named a bunch of executives. The scientists are the people that need to be working for them for their companies to keep innovating. The scientists are the ones fleeing.
Literally people that try to rip the US apart and privatize it.
The pinnacle of leadership in the field of enshittification.
I left the US for Germany almost 2 years ago now. I’m a software/aerospace engineer. It was like time traveling to the future in some ways, worker right are way better here and 6 weeks of vacation has cemented that I’ll never go back.
Now I just need to do my part to make sure conservatives don’t ruin this country any more than they already have. Not excited for Merz to get into power and continue selling out his country.
Given the AfD results I wouldnt be sure if it couldnt get much much worse.
Tbh cost of living in germany has been rising a lot and a lot of public infrastructure has been severely underfunded.
I still know people leaving for the US, but given recent developments this has been getting rarer
I’m hoping, with the right policies and communication Die Linke can canbalize the AfD voter base. It’ll be hard with all of the money getting pumped into media to serve the right’s needs, but I’m hopeful the truth can cut threw the BS. Germany seems largely more educated and more responsive to science. But maybe that’s not data driven and just my emotional hope.
Makes me wonder where all that money is going? I mean they must be making billions in those funding cuts. Are they all gonna funnel that money into Russia and tech oligarch’s pockets?
They want to create an oligarchy in the US.
Privatise everything and give them to their billionaire buddies to run.
Imagine the money you can make by selling weather data, gathered by government sensors. Or a private VA organisation with an exclusive contract with the government.
Selling to who?
If the masses are penniless serfs, who is going to buy the services provided? One of the other 8 billionaires who own the country?
They really haven’t considered the longer term here. Ultimately, they’ll be kings of a worthless backward shitheap, despised and shunned by the international community, their best and most promising exfiltrated to the rest of the world then fenced off to rot into obscurity.
Like North Korea, more or less.
That is exactly what they want. They want us to literally live like dark age serfs while they live in opulent and highly technologically advanced palaces that cater to them.
They don’t just want everything. They want everyone else to have NOTHING. A billionaire in a chauffered Bently that costs 500,000 dollars definitely looks down on people driving Honda Civics that cost 20,000. But imagine if they were in that Bently and the people around them had no cars, and even a bicycle is a luxury, and whatever public transport that is available is prone to breakdown. Their ability to look down upon the serfs is much greater, which is what they want.
The issue is that technology advances with the whole, the internet/smartphones/gaming etc. All benefit from large populations being able to buy/engage with them.
They don’t care. At all. They would hoard it all for themselves and use as many common people as medical guinea pigs for medical experiments to prolong their own wretched existence, too. Imagine the average ‘elite’ living 20 or 30 years longer than the ‘common’ person. They would see more superior and like gods even though they fully well know it is entirely them killing their underlings.
Trump effectively orchestrated the fucked up response to the pandemic that resulted in 500,000 deaths. They knew that far more minorities would be harmed than whites. If you think they also ultimately care about their white underlings you are wrong.
The point was, that isn’t possible. If everyone is too poor to consume, their system stops, and they aren’t rich anymore.
Long term, the snake is eating it’s own tail. What happens when it gets to it’s own head? It chokes to death (and scavengers pick over the corpse).
Either they’re too stupid to know what happens at the end, or they’re stupid enough to think they can jump off the ride with the loot before it crashes.
In neither scenario would I want to be living that close to the coming chaos.
Either they’re too stupid to know what happens at the end, or they’re stupid enough to think they can jump off the ride with the loot before it crashes.
Both. The answer is both. They really think they can survive environmental collapses. They would more than the average person… but not for very long.
The US is an oligarchy already. It has been since at least the late 70s. It is just that now the system is falling apart.
Brain drain also shifts the country rightward. Worked well for Fidesz, will work well for the Republicans.
Makes me wonder where all that money is going?
Scroll down to spending categories. Most money is spent on things like social security, medicare, veteran care, unemployment insurance, and health. Defense is 13% (and absolutely needs to be audited ASAP). Interest payments on debt is now 13% and growing fast. This is why it’s important to at least reduce the deficit as fast as possible. Imagine how much good the government could do with another $400B each year without those interest payments. (well, maybe not this government, but the next one).
I’ve been saying it since 2016: the EU should start granting political asylum to people from the US.
Nope don’t do it. U will get MAGA. Be super careful vetting anything that loves trump and musk. I myself planning on retiring early. 45 yo software engineer. I will end up in SEA in next 4 years. Getting ready to sell all my investment property here. America is not going to last for too long.
We’re already getting MAGA, thanks to the internet. It’s called far-right populism. Many of their takes are taken over from the X crazies 1:1. Sometimes they don’t even fit our situation. No matter. Flooding the zone is all that counts.
U guys need to shut down Twitter and Facebook asap. Literally block it completely. Only way and only last chance. It’s like rabies
I think we don’t want open entrance policies in place that would make it easier for MAGAs to come over. Best to have some kind of requirement which filters out the MAGAs as much as possible, say minimum education level to get a work or digital nomad visa or only people from “at risk groups” such as Transexuals qualifying for asylum.
Were I am now, Portugal, there’s pretty open immigration policy for Brazil with no actual minimum requirements and the result is that we imported a ton of far right muppets from there, to the point that in the last Brazilian Presidential election the proportion of voters for Bolsonaro in Portugal (as Brasilians can vote from abroad) was a lot larger than in Brasil - since Brasilians resident in Portugal can get Portuguese nationality after 5 years, this also help fuel the rise of the Far Right locally.
Having some kind of reasonably easy and fair system to filter out the Fascist assholes would be much better.
I moved from the U.S. to Germany in 2020.
My running joke since was wondering whether I’d be eligible for citizenship or asylum first….
Almost over the finish line for being eligible for citizenship, but I feel like asylum isn’t that far off.
You don’t need asylum if you are a legal resident. Asylum is the most insecure form of permit, especially in Germany, where the society is currently getting more and more hostile to migration, including labeling countries like Afghanistan as “safe countries of origin” and organizing deportations with the Taliban.
Hence the “joke” part….
Reverse the brain drain of the 1930s.
omg then the EU as we know it wont exist for long if such policies were to be implemented.
Canada seriously needs to make a big show of offering the same thing. It’s now or never.
We don’t have the housing. Carney needs to get the government into home building yesterday.
it’s the perfect time to use that Canadian steel and aluminum
deport all the illegals. its easier and faster than house building.
No no no, you’re trying to be a better place than the US. Stop talking like them.
we deport and then the can come the legal way!
Most in Canada are here legally, might want to check your sources.
dude, as much as i’m anti-immigration, you’re overdoing it, and also, your proposals are ineffective.
in germany, for example, the population that immigrated since 2012 makes up approx. 3% of the total population. that means that the population is roughly 3% larger than it would be without that immigration.
that is what you should be talking about. 3% larger population means higher workforce (supply of labor), and therefore lower wages (prices for labor). That is because the immigrants add almost no demand for labor (since they have a low buying power).
Demand for labor is mainly driven by growth, and we’ve had two big waves of growth since 1800: Quantitative (industrialization) and qualitative (IT work). Since both of these two waves end their growth approx. now, the demand for labor goes down. There’s no point in importing more labor force, it would only make the wages go down. That is what you have to talk about: the decreasing wages through the import of cheap labor. It’s essentially wage-dumping in the own country. That is what the people should be talking about. Not racism. We’re not better people than them, we just need to get the workforce smaller to drive the wages up.
That requires, ofc, that the borders are closed also for goods and products. If products have to be produced inside the country because the borders are closed, companies can’t just do the wage dumping in another country.
Btw, almost everywhere the number of illegal immigrants is extremely low. In the US, they make up 25% of all immigrants, IIRC, which is not much. There’s not much there to talk about, especially since these illegal immigrants are good at hiding and hard to catch. But what you can do is to study the socio-economic consequences of immigration/high birth rate and then draw your conclusions. If you really care about the people, you’d first close the borders in all developed countries, and then drop the birth rate really really low. That would give power to the people, since they are in higher demand, and keep the wages as high as possible, because the production would stay approx. constant (think the farmland is constant) but the consumption is lowest, so there’s more resources for everyone.
This seems like a really bad take.
Do take a look at the age pyramid @Miaou posted. Germany needs a lot of young people to herd its old people. German ministers flying to the Phillipines and Kenya and Brazil to find care workers – that’s for a reason! And dropping the birth rate lower does not mean more high-paying jobs, it means more low-paying care jobs in relation to total number of jobs.
In addition there are a bunch of jobs that Germans don’t really do anymore (plucking asparagus, slaughtering hogs, cleaning office buildings, …) because they are badly paid hard labor which are however in some way useful to society.
Granted, preventing migrants from taking bad jobs may mean that high-paying automation jobs open up. But that’s the only silver lining. (Fwiw, Japan had a very strict immigration policy, because they figured that elderly care might be something easily accomplished with robot dogs and other gimmicks. It turns out though that that assumption was wrong. It also turns out that a lot of people from countries like Malaysia and the Phillipines would love to work in Japan, despite the racism. So Japan has adapted its policies on foreign labor somewhat now.)
Please stop parroting this notion that Canada’s problems mirror those if the united states.
The number of so called “illegals” pales in comparison to the number of foreign investors buying up property and jacking IP the rental rates.
I’m just going to correct you here. The problem if Canadian housing isn’t foreign investors (they account by like 2% of the real state market), but the absurd zoning laws and the “missing middle”.
Check our “oh the urbanity” youtube channel, they do a really good analysis on Canadian houses markets.
Or, you know, force investors to sell.
Take me with you, I’m neither an average fighter nor a brilliant scientist, but you can’t live a trans-sister to die in this wasteland of burgers and guns!