Red Bull - European but Far right
Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.
Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …
(And it’s also not very healthy,…)
Red Bull also tastes like shit.
I didn’t know redbull was European and I didn’t know servus tv belonged to redbull
In the UK, not a fan of tea or coffee. I rarely use caffeine at all, but there are some days where I’m falling asleep at my desk and I need something.
Any recommendations?
I am permanently banned from making Reddit accounts because I got about 4 of them banned for “promoting violence”.
The violence? Telling people it was a good thing to punch Nazis. Reddit is a Nazi safe space.
I got a warning for upvoting pro-Canada stuff like “elbows up”. That is apparently promoting violence.
Damn, red bull is my energy drink of choice. Anyone got a good alternative that doesn’t use alternative sweetener? So many of them use them and I can’t stand the flavor they have.
Any off-brand energy is fine. Aldi has a pretty good one though it does use artificial sweeteners instead of, or in combination with, sugar.
Alternatively, give mate a try. Mio Mio has lots of flavours to choose from. The classic Club Mate is also always a gold choice. Pomegranate and peach iced tea are my favourites :)
They also support Israel’s apartheid and occupation, they are listed on the NoThanks app.
Wait really? I live in the US granted but I don’t want to support any company that does heinous shit like this.
It’s greatly exaggerated, on ServusTV they just have all kind of people, so sometimes stupid people are there too. They have this format „Rechts-Links-Mitte“ (right left center) where they typically have around five people with heavily varying positions discussing with each other. So no, it’s not them supporting conspiracies but rather trying to find people for these discussions. On the other hand it means that the others get the chance to debunk fake news and conspiracies in those discussions, potentially getting viewers to change their position. You don’t achieve that by making these people not watch any discussions because “their guy” isn’t there anyway.
Before our election I liked watching their news since the ORF (öffentlich rechtlicher Rundfunk - our official TV where all the important stuff is) only talked about what’s wrong with so many people to make them vote for the FPÖ (far right party) and how they could be made reasonable again (blame on the people for voting for that party) while Servus TV talked about why people are voting for them and what other parties potentially could change to gain them back (blame on the parties for making decisions that led to losing voters to the FPÖ) (to clarify, I didn’t vote for the FPÖ and never world, I’m heavily opposing quite a few of their policies - regardless I can’t deny that they wouldn’t be as strong if our other parties acted differently, many people simply are voting for the FPÖ to express their protest which is why its good to discuss about what the other parties should change).
ServusTV also has great documentaries (mostly about Austria and neighbouring countries, for example about a group of mountains (sometimes even singular mountains), or about hiking trails, mountainbiking routes, ski touring, climbing, about a river, a lake, a city, a castle, a church, …).
My favourite aspect is that Red Bull heavily invests in sports, sponsoring many people that wouldn’t be able to follow their (often niche) sport without them.
Absolutely not a company that deserves a boycott imo. (I don’t buy anything from them though because I usually only drink water.)
Nothing in Redbull is good for you, it’s full of sugar, and it comes in a can. Cans are lined with plastic that bleed estrogenic chemicals into the beverage. I’ve cut canned drinks out of my life entirely.
Studies show that there are around 10-20 microplastic particles per liter in canned beverages. Carbonated sodas contain more (6-82), possibly due to the carbonation breaking down the lining in the can.
For comparison:
- tap water contains around 4-25 particles per liter
- bottled water contains 10-100 particles per liter
- tea bags can release billions of particles (
So if you’re going to avoid anything, avoid… tea bags, of all things.
Cans are lined with plastic that bleed estrogenic chemicals into the beverage
I did some quick looking through
googleEcosia and I found some stuff that (seemingly? I’m not an expert) confirms this. It made sweeping statements about pretty much all plastic, though. Do you still drink stuff from plastic bottles?This sounds like a snide comment but it’s not, I’m interested because I currently still drink both from cans and plastic bottles!
I don’t drink Red bull but still would like a more thorough article or information about this
Servus TV is a TV station based in Wals-Siezenheim in the Austrian state of Salzburgand owned by Red Bull Media House GmbH, a subsidiary of Red Bull GmbH, which also publishes the magazine Servus in Stadt und Land. The station is the successor to Salzburg TV, founded in 1995 and rebranded in 2009. It is politically aligned with the far right.
C’mon you have the fucking Internet, you can just search this shit yourself if you want more information.
Damn, “Servus in Stadt und Land” doesn’t even need a translation to realize how racist it is.
Maybe next time use a translator just in case before commenting mate. Servus is the name of the TV station, “in city and country” is very hard for me, impossible really, to find anything racist in it.
I speak german and there is nothing rascist about that sentence.
It’s normal to expect from OP to provide source for their claim.
It’s not good to not be able to research yourself.