Can a crab do a kickflip?
I say dumb shit.
Can a crab do a kickflip?
The heels better watch out with Spiderman in the crowd, he looks ready to open a can of whoop ass.
You can go turn that garden bed over if ya want.
God I hope he doesn’t come here.
Yeah, but I bet he tasted awesome.
The freedom convoy was less about freedom and more about being an entitled selfish dick.
They were protesting against having to have compassion and empathy towards people beyond their small bubble. They weren’t fighting for people’s rights for freedom, they were protesting against other people’s rights to stay healthy and alive, it was a selfish act by selfish assholes.
People were dying because people wouldn’t take the safety precautions seriously and these assholes thought they were superheros saving the world, no, they were assholes who were used by bigger assholes to cause as much chaos as they could to undermine the faith in the system they were fearful about.
Giant fucking babies.