I tried explaining to a SO why stappling bread to trees was funny or why “Cat.” was peak humor.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone questioning my sanity and theirs by association this clearly in any other conversation.
I usually don’t have a hard time explaining referencial humor when it’s, like, an older movie that was super popular in my day to a younger person who hasn’t seen it; but memes are often inexplicable unless you just know.
:.|:;They will find this etched into mountains, and future historians will never know why
Le gasp
Chuck Testa
Oh no there’s a bear in my bed!
so uh this guy once ordered a pizza with no toppings but only beef on the left side and that’s why I have a 40-year-old man’s face on my shirt with a pizza background.
Honestly, things like that remind me how vast the internet is. There are some things that I think are just ubiquitous that my friend has never heard of before. She had never heard of Creepy Pastas. She had never seen Long Long Man. She didn’t know what an SCP was. I was baffled. Made me think about my own digital world, and what sources I may be completely blind to.
At least I know what SCP is. I use it sometimes.
Neither SCP, nor long long man are ringing any bells for me
Long long man https://youtu.be/6-1Ue0FFrHY
Is a Japanese commercial series
Oh, thank you. I didn’t know I needed to see this
SCP Foundation is a fictional (I hope) organisation with the mission to Secure, Contain, Protect various anomalies catalogued with numbers (SCP-#) which are thus also referred to as SCPs. These anomaly descriptions are available on https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/
Some of the anomalies are references to other fictional things. If you’re familiar with Slenderman, for instance, you may enjoy SCP-096.
Do you think SCP-049 could “cure” SCP-3008? I can only imagine the types of experiments 049 would come up with in that venture…
Explaining loss humor is impossible
So like, she had a miscarriage and is crying about it and her boyfriend makes it just in time to see the results and uh yeah it’s the funniest thing ever why are you leaving
I still don’t understand how it’s funny
I think it
's(Edit: started out) more about how Tim Buckley is terrible than anything. (Edit: Then from there it) sort of collapsed into its own joke. No one really knows or cares about the context anymore, its become a self-contained meme with no real meaningful connection to Tim, the original comic, or its message now.I think it’s more for fun than funny. Like The Game or the 👌.
i always refer people to this documentary.
Ceiling cat haz contempt for your puny 7 years of historical warez. Leave Brittany alone with your shallow funnies.
… Britney. Britney.
Christ, that meme’s old enough to drop bombs on Yemen.
Especially with niche internet culture like here on Lemmy. Very few people understand the “highly sophisticated” bean memes we’ve got.
I have been around when the bean meme came and I still don’t know how that meme started.
Nobody does but we all just pretend
“So a guy asking how not to shit for a weekend was funny for a whole month?”
When you put it that way we sound weird!
Wait, there’s actual context behind the bean memes? I’ve been missing out.
The best memes are buried in 6 layers of irony and meta-references.
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