What does this mean?
What does this mean?
I don’t recommend losing weight the way I did to anyone, it wasn’t intentional and I definitely suffered more than someone has to in order to lose weight, but it did work.
For reasons unrelated to my weight, I was stuck in a tiny mountain town where I had very little food and had to hike 3 miles down a mountain every day for water and food, and would obviously have to hike back up the three miles, while carrying food and water. I also had to chop wood the first 3 or 4 months I was there, because winter was coming.
That was my life for about 5-6 months, when I came back, I was 70lbs lighter, and my cardiovascular was and has never been better than right when I came back. After the year or two I was back, I did slowly start to gain weight again, but keeping weight off is WAY easier than losing it, so I’ve just been conscious about not gaining it back by working out and eating less food when I notice I’m getting a little squishy.
Oh, thank you. I didn’t know I needed to see this
Does this girl exist irl?
Neither SCP, nor long long man are ringing any bells for me
Assuming their domesticated enough to listen to my commands and ignore their pray drive, on like a magical level, Tiger. Hands down. I would go to the Renaissance Fair with them and commission a blacksmith to forge armor for them. I would ride it into battle whenever necessary.
Edit: I was also assuming no one else has a magically domestic animal. If everyone in this thread also has one, I’ll choose Rhinoceros
I’m pretty sure a Rhino would wreck any kind of bear, the only animal I think i would need to worry about is an elephant, would a platypus be able to penetrate a rhino’s skin?