Gondor was pissed off about the constant check-ups and decided to just stop looking out for the beacons.
(There was a ship nearby that could have rendered assistance to the Titanic, but due to the way the radios worked at the time they could only talk to one ship at a time, and this vessel’s radio person got frustrated with interruptions that they simply turned their radio off and did not hear the Titanic’s distress signal)
I mean the most often expressed complaint I see there is that the fedivwrse is “fractured” as if joining one instance won’t let you see content from another instance. They are missing the crucial element that they are all still connected to each other, and Reddit also kinda works this way, with content hosted across a plethora of servers. Those servers are just controlled by a single entity and you probably won’t notice when you move from one to another unless one is down.