Darn that science, keep that liberal where it belongs, in the humanities.
Go Stephanie!
Reading the discussions and some of the disagreements, a correction is needed to be more precise.
Some XX people will be Assigned Male At Birth. Some XY people will be Assigned Female At Birth.
That’s the fallacy of authority
I agree. Doctorate in Biology =/= Doctorate in Religion. She’s not right because she’s a doctor, she’s right because she’s right.
Dunning-Kruger reminds me of this one president and his cabinet.
People who see gender as a F or M binary in 2025 are willingly ignorant to the bone.
Critically thinking now, how strong is the evidence here?
Those are two real medical diagnoses - Swyer syndrome or XY gonadal dysgenesis for XY women (occurs in about 1:100000 women) and de la Chapelle syndrome or XX male syndrome for XX men (occurs in about 1:20000 to 1:30000 men)
Here is a NORD report on Swyer syndrome, as well as the original article on de la Chapelle syndrome: 1.https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/swyer-syndrome/ 2.https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1762158/
A person’s biological sex usually refers to their status as female or male depending on their chromosomes, reproductive organs, and other characteristics. Chromosomes are tightly packed DNA, or molecules that contain the genetic instructions for the development and functioning of all living things. Humans typically have forty-six chromosomes. Two of those are sex chromosomes that contain instructions for the development and functioning of characteristics related to biological sex, such as reproductive organs. There are two kinds of human sex chromosomes, X and Y. Individuals identified as males tend to have one X and one Y chromosome, while those identified as females tend to have two X chromosomes. However, other people are born with other chromosome combinations, such as XXY, that lead them to develop a mix of characteristics. People who fit that description are often referred to as intersex, a category for people whose bodies do not conform with stereotypical expectations of males or females at birth.
Taken from here
Evidence seems pretty strong to me.
Yeah, and those are malformations and genetical defects that come with a lot of problems.
I don’t know why people glorify them… Also, there is absolutely no way that a man born with XY magically will change it in their lifetime as the posts sugests.
The post suggests that some people with XY chromosomes are assigned female at birth and will live as a woman.
And some people with XX chromosomes are assigned male at birth and will live as a man.
Not that the chromosomes change.This article seems to disagree. But I don’t know much on the subject so I might be misunderstanding.
Also, no matter what the correct answer is, pretending the answer is binary is definitely wrong. Since it’s obviously a lot more complicated.
From the article:
“Girls born with XY chromosomes are genetically boys but for a variety of reasons – mutations in genes that determine sexual development”
And again, they don’t magically become the other sex, that was already determined at birth.
No, not magically, no. You’re right.
Well, to be fair, not magically and not in any other way, it is impossible to change your sex
You’re the only one talking about this. A change can occur without any surgery. Reread the article to understand better, please.
You read the article and you even quoted it. It says how xx people can be men and how xy people can be women. Nobody said anything about any surgery or magic pill that grows a penis or whatever you’re imagining.
“It’s basic biology” mfs when advanced biology
it is basic biology, ie biology simplified to teach a kid in middle school. the thing is sciences don’t stop at middle school level. a lot of university education is about clarifying that things you learned before were simplified to the point that they’re practically useless if not outright wrong.
Light travels in straight lines, next year its a wave and then its particles. What you said isso true about uni rethreading.
Tap for spoiler
You don’t technically need particles!
Meet me next week for more hot physics takes nobody needed.
I think a lot of these XX XY “only two genders” people aren’t just dunning Kruger, they’re transphobic idiots with an agenda. So even if they had the science and knowledge it wouldn’t matter because they’re pushing their hateful stupid agenda, facts and logic be damned. They don’t care, they just want to rationalize hating us trans people because we make them uncomfy.
Tell us what the 3rd gender is please.
~95% of all animals in the world, including humans, are gonochoric, have only 2 sexes.
Turner syndrome and klinfelter syndrome are exatly that, syndromes
Gender is not sex. Have you ever, in good faith, talked to a trans person? Have you ever, in good faith, talked to an intersex person?
I keep hearing this. If gender is not sex than gender is not real, you can be whatever you want whenever you want, right?
Still, if a dudes is a dude it’s a he, if a woman is a woman it’s a she.
The only time I would actually bother ask someone what they like to be called is if they have an intersex condition. That’s it.
Have you ever, in good faith, talked to a trans person?
Yes, it was the exactly stereotypical “call me mam” hairy dude. Yeah, that’s never gonna happen. First time in my life I told someone to never talk with me and pretend I don’t exist. I don’t want to interact with these kind of lunatics.
Have you ever, in good faith, talked to an intersex person?
No but I would love too, that seems genuinely interesting. I’d have so many questions to ask
If gender is not sex than gender is not real, you can be whatever you want whenever you want, right?
How does “you can chose” make something not real? Also, it doesn’t appear to be a conscious effort to be trans. Do you really think trans people go through all that just for the fun of it?
Still, if a dudes is a dude it’s a he, if a woman is a woman it’s a she.
And if a women is not a woman and starts HRT and everything, he’s a dude. You’re exactly right!
The only time I would actually bother ask someone what they like to be called is if they have an intersex condition. That’s it.
Can you tell that just by looking at people?
Yes, it was the exactly stereotypical “call me mam” hairy dude.
What if it was someone who visually fit in your expectation? Would you treat them with basic respect? Can you tell me the sex of each of those people?
No but I would love too, that seems genuinely interesting. I’d have so many questions to ask
Wouldn’t it be interesting to talk to a trans person, too? Understand their perspective? Maybe you already met someone intersex but called them slurs and walked off because you thought they might be trans.
Your baseless hate for trans people only brings evil into this world. Maybe try giving people a chance. We’re all human.
Do you really think trans people go through all that just for the fun of it? I honestly think they have mental problems that won’t be solved by mutilating themselves. It’s not me to make that decision for them and it’s their body but I try to keep myself as far away as possible.
And if a women is not a woman and starts HRT and everything, he’s a dude.
What do you mean a woman is not a woman?
Can you tell that just by looking at people?
Most likely not, but by interacting with people, yes.
Can you tell me the sex of each of those people?
Only from faces? Most likely not. First pic looks like a woman, second like a man, 3rd pic that dude might be a woman, 4th the dude is a woman and 5th I have no damn idea
called them slurs
I don’t call people slurs mate, I just avoid interaction.
I agree with Dr. Jey McCreight on the science.
But for determining truth, both sides are wrong here.
Dunning-Kruger is bad, but so is credentialism and appeal to authority.
Many people with PhD’s have had Dunning-Kruger. Someone else mentioned Ben Carson being great at neurosurgery, but not politics.
A PhD doesn’t make you infallible.
I am saying this as someone who is taking graduate-level courses and will be pursuing my PhD. When I’m correct, it’s not because my future PhD causes reality to magically conform to my opinions - it’s because I rigorously looked at the evidence, logic, and formed my own conclusion that better aligns with reality.
Okay but what is good engagement against “follow the science” aside from “I literally DO the science”? Dr. McCreight offered a point and was met with “nuh uh” so at that point it can hardly be called an argument or debate. Do those fallacies honestly matter at that point when one refuses to engage with tangible points of discussion?
Confidently incorrect is the default with these people. I spend most of my time with family aggressively correcting misinformation about my field and related ones. They will die earlier thinking they know more because of Youtube. Getting them to stop taking bad health advice and mystery joint injections from a fucking chiropractor is the latest battle.
The impression of legitimacy enjoyed by chiropractic is too damn high. I was well into my 20s before I ever heard a single word about it being pseudoscience. Walking around (usually on people’s fucking spines) calling themselves doctors, I absolutely believed it was just some sub-variety of physiotherapy, which I guess is the point. In the whole universe of alternative medicine, I think that has to be the practice which has most effectively disguised itself as conventional medicine. It’s gross.
I was unaware that an X chromosome could mutate into a Y and vice versa over the course of a lifetime. Do we know what causes that?
They are not saying that the X chromosome mutates to Y, but rather saying that XY doesn’t define the sex. For example, some people with XY are born with female genitalia and look female their whole lives. Sometimes they don’t find out they are XY until trying to have kids and are unable to. It isn’t like the X changes to Y over time. That isn’t possible.
So not what the phd claims
It’s weird how your first thought is “the PhD is wrong” and not “I must have misunderstood something” .
“I must have misunderstood something” .
There was a reason I made that comment
Though I disagree with the conservative genitalia = gender ideology
Point being… the phd is wrong!
Or the thought the phd must have meant something else
But sure the phd is wrong if he meant that; just like those anti-vax doctors and anti-abortion doctors
It’s crazy how you’re still insisting that “the PhD is wrong if he meant that”’ rather than figure out that no, what you think they meant is not what they meant, it is not what they said, you are the one misunderstanding what they said. It has to be the PhD’s fault, certainly not yours.
I think you may have misread. The PHD isn’t saying that XY becomes XX, they are saying, genetically, a person carrying XY can be a cis woman. Biologically, XY doesn’t determine the sex.
The phrase is funny but you wouldn’t catch me dead wearing a logical fallacy
Can I interest you in a logical phallus?
To be fair, a Person with a PhD still can have Dunning-Kruger on other subjects.
Ben Carson is a great Neurosurgeon, but dumbass on politics.
Even Noble Prize winners are surprisingly often affected by this -> wikipedia:Noble disease
You know how a bunch of villains are Dr. So-and-So? I bet it’s dealing with morons talking about your area of expertise that leads to one’s villain era.