It doesnt require google sign in and no data is kept other than the email you manually enter, responses and time of submission.
I am hesitant to show my feelings in order to not bias the survey but my daily driver is libre office on linux mint. Unfortunately the college uses google and the form is quite user friendly to create and have linked to the final submission.
DDG sold out, very focused “bubble” results that they initally railed against.
Love the music but Killer Mike is a fake
Light travels in straight lines, next year its a wave and then its particles. What you said isso true about uni rethreading.
At a user level, the biggest security compromise with signal is enabling notifications
All jokes aside, them being outside is beneficial at the moment when we are hamstrung by bad actors they can stand alone to support Ukraine etc.
I think the first part is very much related to culture eating strategy for breakfast, in that you can’t turn a ship with good intentions. I had not considered the second part and it is an incredibly relevant point. I will definitely take any firther insights you have.
I replied here in the hopes that the thread being busy would encourage more people to take part.