Kenshi is back on sale for 12$. It’s a special kind of special, but someone out there might connect with it. Lots of yt videos to get a feel for gameplay.
Can anyone recommend a good multiplayer shooter with a high player population? (Either 2D or VR is fine.) Or any non-MMO, non-role-playing PvP game that is mostly online and has populated servers? Something my 37-year-old ass can just jump into and play a quick match without having to dedicate my life to it?
Getting sick of all the PUBGs, Counter-Strikes, Call of Duties, and Overwatches/Marvel Rivalses. My best gaming memories were during the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 days. I never had more fun in a shooter than when I was playing Rush. But unfortunately EA never managed to recapture that same magic in the sequels. After the 2042 flop I quit Battlefield for good.
BattleBit Remastered is legitimately the tightest battlefield-like fps i’ve ever played, better than name-brand battlefield even. it fills the exact same niche for me.
i play with mic off and still manage serviceable communication with a squad of randies pretty much every game. there’s relatively frequent balance updates, so the meta isn’t focused on any one single playstyle. it’s exactly what i imagine an fps made by fps-junkies to look like.
Also playing support actually feels rewarding, and i think that’s proper rare in multiplayer games.
e: fuck hahah just kidding apparently it was abandoned by the devs. last update 15 months ago, rip to my favorite fps :c
God damnit; you had me sold up until the very end. :(
Anno 1800 is 5 bucks. I love it, but you need to deal with Uplay as well
More capitalism, huh? I hope steam is paying you for that free advertising.
Critiquing capitalism while participating in it and name dropping a brand huh? 🤔
Too true. I’m getting my games from the communist on the corner from now on.
This is literally a community for recommencing cheap games to buy…
Talos Principle is $5
Talos Principle 2 is $15
Highly recommend both games!
Borderlands 3, if you somehow missed it, for under £5 is just a good value.
Idk why you got downvoted. Borderlands 3 for $6 is a pretty good deal. And $16 for the complete edition isn’t bad either. I already own the full collection on steam so I can’t see the price of that, but when I bought it during the last sale I wanna say I spent like maybe $50 on the entire Borderlands series.
There really is a “Lemmy hive mind” starting to form, just like reddit.
Because Borderlands is boring and repetitive, especially if you don’t have a friend group to play with.
Celeste is 75% off and is a near-masterpiece of a game.
Portal 1 and Portal 2 are on sale again of course on the chance you haven’t yet hit these absolutely classic legendary games.
Persona 4 Golden is 40% off and is awesome, and Persona 5 Royal is 60% and is even more awesome.
Metal: Hellsinger is 70% off and while it isn’t a GOTY type game, it’s a hell of a lot of fun if you’re a contemporary metal music fan.
but my biggest recommendation is probably gonna be
Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale at 80% for only $3.99 (US) which is an completely underrated hidden gem of a game and a huge recommendation for anyone who likes quirky cozy-hybrid games or who, like me, spent way too long on the shopkeeper segments in RPGs like Torneko Taloon’s chapter in DQIV.
edit: why in the world would anyone ever downvote a personal recommendation comment? Weird behavior, fam
If you like Recettear you should check out Final Profit:
I like this indie game critic, he has a recommendation video for sale
Here’s what I picked up during the Steam Spring Sale:
DOOM - $1.99 (90% off) Stray - $18.99 (40% off) Undertale - $0.99 (90% off) Celeste - $4.99 (75% off) Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - $4.99 (90% off) Red Dead Redemption 2 - $14.99 (75% off) NieR: Automata - $15.99 (60% off) Hades - $9.99 (60% off) Devil May Cry 5 - $19.79 (67% off)
The Mafia Trilogy is $15 for the whole shebang, or $7.50 for any one of the individual games. I grabbed Mafia 3.
Mafia 2 is the only one worth playing.
I’m liking that 3 feels more like Shaft than a stereotypical mobster movie game, so I could see how it might not be what you’re looking for if you want the good ol’ Italian mob themes.
We picked up Journey and Star Traders Frontier. I’ve wanted to play Journey since it came out but I didn’t have the proper console. Well, I forgot I put it on the wishlist, and that’s a real good price so.
I’ve (sung? musically yelled at?) another person already.
Outer Wilds is on sale. Great game if you like space, puzzles or platforming!
My personal greatest game of all time. Do go on blind tho.
Absolutely, what i would give to play again with no knowledge
I’ve still never beaten it. I’m near the end I’m pretty sure. Great game.
You’re always near the end.
Noita is currently 60% off and is hands down the best game I have ever played (kind of). It is ridiculously brutal and you will die very often but you have the potential to get ludicrously powerful as well. The game will cheese you so don’t be afraid to cheese it back. In has so much content that beating the final boss for the first time is considered beating the tutorial.
Also if the some aspects are too bullshit for you there is a variety of mods to fix these, and there is absolutely no shame in using them.
Doom 2016 for 2$, Titanfall 2 for 3$ and battlefield games from BF3 through BF1 also go for 2$
I’ve never played any BF games. Do they have good single player campaigns?
Not since Bad Company 2 like 15 years ago
BFBC2 was the best BF I’ve ever played. I wish I would have known that at the time.
If you are the simmy type or like space, Elite Dangerous is insanely good, but has a learning curve up front. It’s the only game I’ve put over 1,100 hours in and still haven’t explored everything.
Subnautica is another game I can highly recommend.
If you wanna play games with friends (Elite is also MP), The Forest is a great game to bond over.
Black mesa is another banger.
X4 is on sale as well, if you want something similar to Elite
How does Elite Dangerous compared to starfield? I’m 20 hours into starfield but finding it quite fun.
I have 1000 hours in Elite and it’s nowhere near as on rails or limited. It’s set in a full scale Milky Way where you can pick up missions from a station’s bulletin board, hunt pirates, or just pick a direction and jump to make discoveries, spending months alone scanning systems. The game has well developed lore that regularly updates through an in game feed, but it’s mostly background fluff unless you want to strengthen your faction or if there’s a major community event. It’s also a good time to jump in since new ships have been added and the galaxy is rebuilding after the last war event.
Space sim? How’s exploration compared to no man’s sky?
Mostly combat focused?
It’s not very arcady, and has a bit of a learning curve, though a HOTAS helps a lot. It’s a lot more simulation-esque. Not as much as MSFS, but closer to that end. Combat, exploration, mining, tourism, rescue. It’s a 1:1* replica of the Milky Way in about 1,300 years. Trailer for context:
It will blow your nuts off in VR, especially the Ship Launched Fighters (SLFs). One of the coolest VR experiences I’ve ever had, particularly near the center of the galaxy where the stars are much more dense than in our portion of the Milky Way.
*Some stars had to be removed near the center of the galaxy because they are so close, it makes it nearly impossible to navigate between them. On older computers, the galaxy map in the core of our galaxy will make your computer lag. Yes, we have that many stars IRL.