The carbon tax was an excellent policy, but this was probably necessary to win the election. Here’s hoping the Liberals replace it with something functionally equivalent, like cap and trade.
It was kill the carbon tax or get Poilievre. Carbon taxes work and it’s a shame that all the propagandised conservatives made carbon tax political suicide but here we are. I’d still take this over PP who wouldn’t stop at the carbon tax.
Carney kills consumer carbon tax in first move as prime minister
And with it PP’s entire campaign identity.
That’s probably why.
Carbon tax and dividend is greatest tax in human history. Not meant to raise discretionary revenue. Not a pension scam subject to bankruptcy or payment reductions in future. Car rebates is not good policy, because its not car ownership that affects emissions, it is miles driven. Or lifestyle choices that don’t need cars/long driving.
The rise in diesel/home heating fuel was a direct result of Ukraine war. Carbon tax is divisive because all the parties love the war on Russia, and so no one addresses/d the real reason for the cost of living hikes.
But the CPC ads with red glows and ominous music keep telling me he’s “Carbon Tax Carney”!
Ya and he axed the tax…wait pp has no talking points now
Well. That’s the nail in the coffin for pp and his ineptitude.
Well, fuck. That’s income I could have really used. This negatively affects people living in poverty the most, and benefits the affluent the most. This better come paired with some kind of financial break for low income earners.
I feel like this signals that Carney is willing to cast aside his principles and throw uninvolved people under the bus so that he can meet his priority goals. Ie, getting ignorant swing voters on his side. This is a blatant campaign move that should have been an election promise, not a unilateral decision.
This is disappointing
It’s even more disappointing that I would bet money that gas stations will not lower their prices by the same amount as the tax because of this. They’ll go down maybe 5 cents and claim it’s the savings.
The average family is going to lose money from dropping this policy, they were getting more from the rebate than they were spending on the tax.
I’m not gonna lie, this tax did nothing for me. It did not influence my purchasing decisions. I already hardly drive my vehicle, but when I need to get somewhere I don’t even have any other option than to take a vehicle.
I’m also certainly not going to heat my home any differently, so it is what it is and I just kept paying.