Tbf a mile isn’t a long run at all. Maybe 10 minutes? Good wake up for sure.
Fbi: this is the guy I was talking about!
Maybe 10 minutes? Good wake up for sure
Ha ha yea for sure fellow runner and morning person!
Starts slowly stepping back
Oof boy do I feel another
torturun coming onRuns…away
No don’t! You’re becoming one of them!
For a decent runner it’s five or six. I can walk 13-14 minute miles all day long. Except I slow down on steep mountain inclines.
Yeah. In my summer running schedule I have some 1.5hr morning runs. Seems like a lot (tbf it is) but those are the days that I have the most energy throughout the day. The more I exert, the more I get in return provided I’m eating adequately.
Long morning run days leave me feeling invincible for the rest of the day.
It’s just how do you find the motivation to wake up and run a mile? I barely find the motivation to make tea
Being a morning person is a superpower.
By the time anyone else gets to work I’m jacked up on caffeine and I’ve gotten 2-3 hours worth of shit done, and the first thing my bosses see when they log in is that I’ve finished all of the morning work requests.
Being a night person is a superpower.
You can work night shifts, get paid more, feel better than during the day, not miss business hours because you’re working at the same time as everyone else, and enjoy the outside without people in better air and no eye pain from the sun.
Accurate. 🤟
I’ve noticed I’m naturally a morning person when I’m able to upkeep good work-life balance. I love waking up super early, catching the sunrise, hearing the morning birds, and having a nice, long, calm morning. When the job is too demanding and too stressful, I sleep like shit and wake up in madness, depend too much on coffee, and just feel like shit 80% of the time.
There is definitely a fine line. I think “morning people” are more volatile and 1 small hiccup can ruin an entire morning and throw them off for the rest of the day. Night people tend to just sleep longer and miss some stuff but overall have no change to routine when something goes wrong.
I get that this is a funny, but this is also bucket-of-crabs thinking.
Wish I had the energy to be that person. We hate what we can’t have.
Rarely do people just “get that way”, a mile is like a casual 15 minute walk, you can start with that and move up as you feel the positive affects
Ok, sometimes that’s true but I also hate a lot that I want none of
Today I decided to start the day with a swim. I arrived at the pool at 11am. I just don’t get how people do it. Also, if I do any sort of physical activity without having had a full meal that day, I can literally feel myself run out of energy within minutes.
I don’t do it anymore, but running or any cardio first thing in the morning does actually work to give you more energy in the day. I did it out of desperation - 0500 was the only time I had to myself and running is nearly free. I need exercise to manage my mood. So while my kids were asleep, I ran and honestly seeing the sun rise was such a beautiful hopeful feeling.
Now do am in a better situation I sleep later and exercise after work, but that early running saw me through a pretty hard time.