He doesn’t really talk in his videos, but I really enjoy watching Philippe Faraut sculpt in clay. Guy has masterful technique.
I recommend Technology Connections to anyone who enjoys learning about how stuff works. I really appreciate the way this guy explains things for laypeople.
SummoningSalt is super interesting if you like learning about speedrunning. My only gripe is that the videos are all really chill, but tend to have clips of people breaking world records and flipping out, like “FUCK YEAAAAAAAHH WOOOOOOO FUCK YEAH LET’S FUCKING GOOOOO FUUUUUUCK” and it can be very jarring, lol. But I do enjoy seeing those clips in the videos.
Grand Illusions is a fun channel where an older British gentleman named Tim presents curiosities, puzzles, toys, and the like.
Honorable mention: while I don’t watch many of his videos these days, Smarter Every Day is fantastic STEM content
I revisit his channel every year at Thanksgiving when I need to prepare a turkey. His super simple roasted turkey video has served me well the last 5 or 6 years.