You’re being deliberately obtuse, or trolling. Are you seriously trying to suggest that science educators use jargon? Watch a TED talk. Attend an open lecture. Open youtube or your preferred equivalent. You’re so wrong it’s funny. Good communicators reach their audience where they are.
Additionally, it’s pedantry to the extreme to pretend that me saying “I use deepseek,” referring to my self-hosted solution, is incorrect, when it absolutely is deepseek. Yes, you could be more specific, but it absolutely is correct to refer to deepseek in any of its forms as deepseek. Chat-GPT is Chat-GPT, regardless of version. You’ve made up rules you’re expecting others to follow, and the rules themselves are inconsistent with how people speak.
You care so much about being right that you’ll move any number of goalposts and define things any way you like just to be absolutely, technically correct. The idea of saying, “You know what, I didn’t think about that. I could’ve been more nuanced,” must be a nightmare to you.
Jargon was an example from an analogous situation, that of someone knowledgeable explaining to a beginner. OP didn’t understand you. My contribution explained it to them. You care more about pedantry than effective communication. I don’t know what else to tell you. Seriously, find me anyone doing science communication that uses technical language rather than general. I’d love to provide as many counter examples as you need. My point is that your communication wasn’t as effective as it could be, and rather than accepting a helpful addition to the conversation, you made it defensive. Again, I’m not suggesting you are using jargon. What you are doing, assuming meaning from a beginner’s usage of general speech, is the same as an expert choosing jargon when interfacing with a member of the general public. In good communication, it just doesn’t happen.
If the group chat thinks absolute specificity is more important than effective communication, that is, communication that the other party understands, then they can be wrong too. OP did not understand you. My followup with them confirms this. This is a waste of my time.