It’s a teamsport and we’re profoundly stupid and tribal.
It’s a teamsport and we’re profoundly stupid and tribal.
I wouldn’t doubt that either but white isn’t quite as inclusive as people may think. There’s levels to white to racists which is weird by itself.
White nationalism is crazy man, I dunno.
Response to the deportation ASMR thing I guess?
The benefit to Ukraine is that simply being at the table shows they’re willing and Russia just keeps taking and taking, historically that ends one way.
Imperialist apologists, why am I not surprised? You get that Russia flight with Germany until they got betrayed right? Right?
No he would literally bias ban just like jonsjava and most of .world.
He wasn’t just a messenger he would get into an argument, start to lose then ban and remove.
I hope they’re ok like most people but they were kind of a petty asshole at times.
Starship troopers the book and the movie are separate. The movie is it’s own special beautiful absurdity loosely based on the book but not really at all.
I’ve never seen him in one that wasn’t promotional
Let’s industrialize this particular potential blasphemy.
Ed: > Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.
Mark 11:23
Hey at least I’m not going to prison.
Skeptical? He isn’t an isolationist that’s just what populists say to get into office.