I’ve known about it for too long to say, I’m afraid!
I’ve known about it for too long to say, I’m afraid!
An important bit of information that’s missing here is what kind of culture are you in/from on the coconuts/peaches scale?
(Coconuts - hard to get to know initially but very warm once that hurdle is overcome. Peaches - warm to everyone but very difficult to get truly close to. Finland vs. USA, for example)
It’s not been a good time, has it? “Austerity” wasn’t an economic policy, it was a justification for needless cruelty (as opposed to policies that leverage short term pain for long term positives).
Useless be-suited twats.
The noise of the optical disc drive? I, erm, that’s not how digital data works.
More to the point, the easiest way to get a FLAC file would be to record some audio in Audacity (or equivalent) and then output it as FLAC.
That sounds like you’ve only experienced a peaches culture. It can be tough.