But it only supports them if their video is then also good. I don’t like clickbait, because I don’t want to be tricked into my monkey brain looking at something. I do want to see good videos.
Just yesterday the algorithm found some guy doing tech videos. I watched a few of them and then sent a text to a friend who I thought would like it. He asked for a link so I pulled the guys channel up on my phone, and holy smokes, clickbait. If I hadn’t seen the videos already I wouldn’t have given that guy the time of day. But they are well thought out, interesting videos.
I’m not here to correct the world’s poor behaviour. I’m here to watch good videos. De-arrow does a good job of that, it’s quite interesting to see YouTube on a computer without it vs what I’m used to now.
Exactly. How dare we …not…sell…OUR…Electricity! And how DARE we put tarriffs on things because the US put tarriffs on things first?!
Isn’t American known for its rugged individualism? They don’t need Canada, why would they use our roads or dare inconvenience themselves crossing into/out of our border?!!
This reminds me of the sov cit movement. Children with no understanding of the amount of effort and cooperation required for a functional society.