lab grown meat is a vaguely EA/rationalist/self IDed neolib meme. in theory it will save the environment (ok) and prevent suffering (yay) in a way that concentrates capital (double yay) and involves a lot of tech magic (triple yay).
hot luigi is a big fan apparently. seeing this discussed reminded me of this excellent article which shreds the concept of mass produced lab grown meat. I haven’t really seen this circulate much over the years, but it is really a masterwork of grift dissection. please enjoy
archive link:
tired: lab grown meat
wired: worm filet mignon
hired: eat the rich
Techbros: “I’m hungry for that Lab Grown Meat!”
carbon capture you can eat
I eat very little meat these days, and I’d be happy to have lab-grown as an option. Even if it’s more expensive and not produced at the same scale
at least make a pretense of having read the article instead of very obviously reacting to the headline jfc
I read the article and nothing there contradicts the commenters opinion.
That’s the power of not saying anything interesting, you can’t contradict it
The article doesn’t say anything interesting in the first place.
“Start-ups optimistic about future of their product, wish for public investment, expert disagrees.”
That’s about it
“I’m going to double down on not reading this article herpa derpa gerpa poop” that’s you. Please fuck off
you really should have read the article