Wait wait wait! I dont think people want you to buy property in Frome, they want you to buy Frome as a city. Did you look up whether buying the whole lot would be cheaper than buying isolated properties? It may sound irrational but sometimes it’s cheaper to buy rechargeable batteries in a pack with a charger than without a charger.
Urgh, people are constantly telling me; “Buy EU Rope, Anne” , or “Buy Frome, U”
Let me just clear the air by saying the following:
My name is not Anne
I have all the rope that I need, and I got it from Switzerland.
Buying property in Frome is really expensive:
Nice comment ha ha
Wait wait wait! I dont think people want you to buy property in Frome, they want you to buy Frome as a city. Did you look up whether buying the whole lot would be cheaper than buying isolated properties? It may sound irrational but sometimes it’s cheaper to buy rechargeable batteries in a pack with a charger than without a charger.
…I am in a desperate need of an equivalent to /s
/l for “le sarcasme”