Well, I am also sorry I explain it for the fifth time during the same evening while clearly nobody asked for that and nobody except me plays board games anyways.
Well, I am also sorry I explain it for the fifth time during the same evening while clearly nobody asked for that and nobody except me plays board games anyways.
Wait wait wait! I dont think people want you to buy property in Frome, they want you to buy Frome as a city. Did you look up whether buying the whole lot would be cheaper than buying isolated properties? It may sound irrational but sometimes it’s cheaper to buy rechargeable batteries in a pack with a charger than without a charger.
…I am in a desperate need of an equivalent to /s
I have a very similar situation: a cat with a severe kidney disability, meds 5 times a day with at least 2h between each. We’ve been using a whiteboard but I am currently setting a smarter solution. My WIP setup is a raspberry pi with a static IP on my local network and a FastAPI app. This way I can also do a household to-do lists (did anybody watered plants recently?) and add connection to local smart lights (effects if meds could not be given with 2h interval before our usual go-to-bed time), etc.
It would only work for us since it is a household only solution. Our cats do not travel anywhere and I do not currently need to check for these todos when not at home. It may be different for you. Good luck OP, hope you will find something that suits you.