that said: there is no voting. there was an election last year, and, fairly or unfairly: you fuckers stuck the landing, snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. past tense. done. MOVING THE FUCK ON
I don’t know if there’s going to be another election, or, if there is, whether it’s going to be real or fake. I think counting on that is foolish. I think obsessing over electoral shit instead of the actual mechanics of community and machinery of power is why we’re all in this mess.
so please touch fucking grass, talk to your neighbors, and do something that will literally ever matter.
again; I’m not saying I didn’t vote.
that said: there is no voting. there was an election last year, and, fairly or unfairly: you fuckers stuck the landing, snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. past tense. done. MOVING THE FUCK ON
I don’t know if there’s going to be another election, or, if there is, whether it’s going to be real or fake. I think counting on that is foolish. I think obsessing over electoral shit instead of the actual mechanics of community and machinery of power is why we’re all in this mess.
so please touch fucking grass, talk to your neighbors, and do something that will literally ever matter.