I don’t understand how Clone Wars season 3 goes from the amazing Savajj arc (how did Cartoon Network get away with airing that?) into this dorky shit. The monster designs look like rejected Pokémon box art legendaries.
It also just seems so weirdly inconsistent with lore.
That’s because it’s a hack show for children.
I don’t understand how they got away with making this for kids - the routine and fairly graphic on screen deaths, torture scenes, false flags and war crimes.
I’ve been fairly pleased with the writing myself. The movie was garbage and put me off watching the series, but the series itself is amazing. Having an episode that is just Seven Samurai was pretty funny (and very Star Wars, because half of A New Hope is just Kurosawa anyway). Having the clones depicted as human beings, and characters seriously interrogating the ethics of forcing the clones to fight draws out some really good writing IMHO.
If anything, it’s at least a far sight better than anything the Mouse has been doing.
It reminds me a lot of ATLA as a “kids series” that isn’t afraid of confronting war.