(Not using my typing quirk causes me dysphoria. I will provide a translation upon request only.) ~ The reason why I joined this instance was 8ecause I’ve 8een kicked off of Tum8lr for having the opinion that transness doesn’t just apply to gender. I don’t just pull this out of my ass - I actually experience nongender transness myself and I’m fully willing to 8e asked and/or grilled a8out it. I call myself transcharacter.
My Tum8lr termin8ion came entirely from claims of transpho8ia, 8ecause somehow in their minds identifying a8normally equals not supporting trans folkel/people? I don’t quite understand how that works, 8ut I can say I’m not transpho8ic. I discovered that I feel this way through hearing other trans folkel/people discuss their experiences and came to my own conclusions a8out myself.
I guess I’m wondering if this is a safe space for my ilk or if I’m just going to get kicked out again?
And I forgor 8ut no, typing like me makes things worse. You’re not a troll, it’s a tiny 8it appropriative.