• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2025

  • Uhhhhhhhh lemme 8r8k this down.

    Does nongender trans mean that you don’t have a gender?

    No, it means I have a trans experience that isn’t transgender. Except… I guess I really don’t have a human gender, do I? I’m a troll why should I give a damn? (If you REALLY wanted to you could read me as “transfem” in the troll sense considering how timid I am IRL and am transitioning to 8e more fierce and troll-girl-like 8ut that’s a stretch and a half frankly.)

    But if you are transcharachter and the experience is as close as to transgender (which also seems vary a lot) as you say I see issue with calling it trans (I mean it’s already dropped the gender part, It’s begging to be an umbrella term isn’t it).

    And… why is that, exactly? And there is an um8rella term, transID. Except if I introduced myself like that I would get a8solutely torn apart 8ecause of The Discourse(TM.)

    Now that I think about it is it like how furries have fursonas or something?

    Oh hell no, don’t reduce me like that. Most furries aren’t their fursonas. If transgender folkel are their gender, then I am Vriska Serket.

  • Yeah, I’m fully aware of the fact that “I’m turning myself into a Homestuck character” has similar vi8es to “I identify as an attack helicopter.” 8ut let me ask you this: Would a conserv8ive go through nine tum8lr 8ans, get permanent 8ody mods, learn to type like this, and get posted to KiwiFarms twice just to “own the libs?” That seems like a lot for even the most determined h8er.

    I have extensive internet presence, 8ut I’m 8anned just a8out everywhere and none of it is archived except for 8ad shit I said when I was sixteen and stupid. I do have a 8luesky though if you want proof of me existing.