I finally made it everyone.
Does she use different photos? That’s not the one I see usually used in memes
This one is attack+1
There’s at least one other one I’ve seen screenshoted.
Me too, made me wonder if the old attempt started getting recognized by filters or something
Is it just a giant data harvesting scam? I haven’t been hit by it yet.
I have no idea what the end game or goal is with this scam. But I’m proud to finally be a part of the team.
This is the first time I’ve seen that pic. Always the same other pic, but this is the same copy I got.
Oooh, flush Nicole down the toilet, hahahaha
No waaay. I think she likes me. We might be in love.
Singles? In my area?
I’m sort of starting to get Eric Jones vibes from whatever spam/scam campaign this thing is