Who gives a shit
I don’t know what this impulse is that people have to weigh in on the legitimacy of other people’s genders, but I’m tired of people running to communities like this one just to lick their wounds when they get rightfully swatted across the nose.
It’s blahaj though, so it’s not really a huge loss. Let them circle the wagons around an embarrassing little troll that mocks transgenderism.
The troll you are complaining about has been banned from most communities for months and the entire instance for weeks. Ada simply asked users not to dogpile and do vigilante justice against offensive users in order to keep the community a positive experience for all trans people, yet you’re still white knighting about an issue that doesn’t even exist anymore. :)
Yes, dragonfucker was banned from all of blahaj.zone for sharing DMs.
Right…. It took them sharing DMs to finally get banned after all the other drama they caused.
That little shithead feeds on drama.
Right…. It took them sharing DMs to finally get banned after all the other drama they caused.
“It’s fine until it affects me” sort of thinking.
Yep. Exactly. They weren’t banned because of their trolling. They were banned for showing DMs which means- they’d still be allowed to keep making their drama had they not shared a few DMs it seems.
You’re still mad about this? YDI.
I don’t misgender you when you say something stupid, because I don’t misgender anyone for being stupid. My girlfriend held me emotionally hostage for the final 3 years of our relationship, and I don’t misgender her despite me helping her come to terms with being trans and helping her transition.
I get it Pug, you’re just really wanting to do something dehumanizing to someone you don’t like. I don’t like Drag, and I also don’t like Grail. You know what I did? I blocked them both. I didn’t go “well sure you identify as that, but fuck you I don’t wanna bother with any of that.”
Weird how no one tries to argue for the right to deadname or misgender horrid people who’ve committe actual horrid actions, but someone was a dick on the internet? “I NEED TO NOT HAVE MY FREEZE PEACH REMOVED TO CALL SOMEONE SOMETHING THEY AREN’T”
Pug, you’re a smart person. I know you are. You have written about complex topics decently well to where I can understand it. I don’t think you’re somehow a secret transphobe, you just have a blind spot you can get a better mirror to have an introspection at. I’ve had my own issues with neopronouns that I am still working on myself. A friend of mine uses it/its pronouns, and I have a hard time to use it when speaking, but not in text. I’ve also had biases with other statuses of people they can’t control, such as plural/systems.
How many months have you been hung up about Drag? It’s more than your time could have been spent with something better about yourself or those around you.
You’ve been told repeatedly by Ada and other admins “Stop it, you have no proof they’re lying about their pronouns, you can block and move on.” and you kept going. If the shoe was on the other foot where a Tankie constantly bothered you, you’d advocate for them to be banned from their instance/places you frequent.
At some point Pug, you have to learn to be better. You’ve had months. It takes time to learn better, no one is perfect out of the womb. But I don’t think you are trying to learn, you’re just drawing a line in the sand of “Well I can agree with everything about queer people but these queer people, they bother me.”
Honestly, you should’ve just known to not engage. Nothing productive will ever come out of it. That troll was already banned a long time ago, why dredge this back up?
LITERALLLYYYYYY like get over ittttt!
OP has actively said dozens of times they don’t intend to participate in any LBZ community ever again and has blocked the instance. Whether the rule is “good” or not aside, it’s so cringe of OP to be butthurt about it.
You were told that’s not the way to deal with trolls once, twice, a hundred times. Maybe listen to trans people about the kind of language they do and don’t want spewing everywhere in their communities next time. Your white-knighting crash out is honestly embarrassing, but the fact that you still refuse to listen to trans people about what makes toxic the space they made for themselves to be comfortable and safe for once on the internet is frankly worse.
Block. Report. Disengage. It’s fucking simple. YDI.
Thanks and utmost respect to Ada. I am so over this and so sorry people are like this.
You were told that’s not the way to deal with trolls once, twice, a hundred times. Maybe listen to trans people about the kind of language they do and don’t want spewing everywhere in their communities next time.
You want to point out where I was ‘spewing’ anything in any of Ada’s communities in the period just before this ban?
Go ahead.
I don’t get why the onus is on everyone else to ignore and block trolls when it’s the mod’s and admin’s jobs to keep the trolls out to begin with.
That human stain should have been blacklisted from lemmy a long time ago. And yet there are SO many people that protect the shithead- including entire instances.
It’s like it’s a huge leap for people to understand that one can respect the trans community, and hate a troll that is mocking them at the same fucking time.
The trolls are out. Banned. Because we reported them. Because that’s what the admins told us to do. You are fighting against an issue that is literally gone.
Wrong. They weren’t banned for being a shit-tier drama troll, they were banned for sharing DMs. And they didn’t tell us to report them. Ada did the opposite by removing comments and banned people for calling them a troll.
And THAT is the problem here.
Am I going nuts? I thought I saw this exact post like 2 weeks ago with all these comments, but now it shows up 2 hours old.
Like it or not, it is a widely known fact that the exact things you said are instance bannable.
The instance rules as they exist are explained in multiple places, and it is our choice as users to either follow them or stay away. If we choose to do neither of those, banning is the only real tool an admin has with current lemmy development. If there were other options available, and the instance ban was applied as a first step, I’d say PTB (though it would be PTA in this case).
Seriously, I get that the world as a whole, and each given language has to figure out what is and isn’t a gender, what is and isn’t going to become part of the consensus of a language. I have my own opinion about that line, but this isn’t the venue for that.
But that instance, they have drawn their line, and did so last year, before the events in these screen shots. It’s like travelling to another US state, there are going to be some laws that differ, and it’s the travelers responsibility to follow them even if they disagree with them, or there are consequences.
I get it, I do. But, I’m sorry, this is absolutely on you.
The problem here to my mind is that this was a ban for a “thought crime” and it was on another instance. OP always uses peoples preferred pronouns, even if he thinks they don’t make sense, as in this case, so he hasn’t broken any instance rules afaik. Is there a rule about not being allowed to even discuss neopronouns? On another instance? That is getting very dystopian imo. Unless someone can point to a rule that says you can’t even discuss the topic of neopronouns, then this is clearly a case of over-reach imo. PTB
The rule isn’t about discussing anything, the rule is about making directed commentary on the validity of other users’ gender, which serves as a honeypot for more hateful behavior. Ada has been explicit and open about this and Pug is not the first to receive a preemptive ban for off-instance action.
So yes to thought crime then.
and Pug is not the first to receive a preemptive ban for off-instance action.
I don’t think that comes off the way you think it does.
The instance rules as they exist are explained in multiple places, and it is our choice as users to either follow them or stay away.
I literally have not posted in any Blahaj comm in months.
It’s like travelling to another US state, there are going to be some laws that differ, and it’s the travelers responsibility to follow them even if they disagree with them, or there are consequences.
But I’m not the traveler here. These comments were not in Blahaj.
Both PTB and YDI.
They might have some militant admins, but you’re also arguing about pointless shit.
Absolutely PTB
Welcome to the club lol.
Blahaj admins lurk all over the Fediverse and ban people who haven’t even posted or commented in their instance.
Just like reddit mods who autoban you for commenting in random communities.
This account was banned just for saying these things in another YPTB post.
Yep. Fuck that place.
You were banned by Ada because you keep dying on the hill of whether Drag’s pronouns should be respected or not based on dragons being fictional creatures that don’t exist in real life. This is the thread that got you banned: https://lemmy.world/comment/15410416
Drag was very obviously a troll and deserved to be called out for constant shit-stirring, but it’s not up to you or anyone else to decide whether their pronouns should be respected or not regardless if it’s a troll. Especially in an instance designed to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ folk. Making such a big deal out of Drag’s neopronouns not only distracted people from the very real problems Drag was causing with their shitty behaviour, but also made people rush to Drag’s defense because it made them look like a victim rather than the instigator of drama and harassment they really were. You can call someone out for being shitty without resorting to bigotry, whether you recognize it as such or not.
Of course, Drag’s gone now (well, until they make yet another alt) so this doesn’t really matter anymore, but your continued gatekeeping of their pronouns is what ultimately led to your ban. This wasn’t just a random ban, you brought it on yourself. Pick better battles next time.
Drag was very obviously a troll and deserved to be called out for constant shit-stirring, but it’s not up to you or anyone else to decide whether their pronouns should be respected or not regardless if it’s a troll.
As explicitly mentioned, at no point did I intentionally fail to use Drag’s preferred pronouns.
Making such a big deal out of Drag’s neopronouns not only distracted people from the very real problems Drag was causing with their shitty behaviour, but also made people rush to Drag’s defense because it made them look like a victim rather than the instigator of drama and harassment they really were.
Yes, yes, everyone else forced you to run to Drag’s defense. It’s like being in a US church again. Anything unwise the in-group does, they were forced to by the out-group
temptingluringmanipulatingprovoking them into doing it.Of course, Drag’s gone now so this doesn’t really matter anymore, but your continued gatekeeping of their pronouns is what ultimately led to your ban. This wasn’t just a random ban, you brought it on yourself. Pick better battles next time.
You mean “continued gatekeeping of Drag’s pronouns”
You should block drag. Drag is a known troll.
AFAIK an instance ban also bans you from every community on it that you have participated in, so that would be why it shows up like that.
I don’t think that’s correct. A while back I was banned en masse from the lemmy.ml communities I was subscribed to, but only those, and not the whole instance. I think that’s what happened here, though I don’t know what the admin tools look like.
The admin tools of Lemmy are frightfully primitive. Federated bans aren’t separated between local bans, so if you ban a person on your instance then they get temp banned on their home instance, when their home instance ban expires, their ban will disappear from your instance too. If I remember correctly for a long time Lemmy didn’t even have an admin page or ability to view votes, you had to configure that all manually in the backend.
Nowadays we have pages to view votes on posts, and also an admin settings page for the local site settings and to manage bans, but that’s about it.
They recently made it so site bans would also add community bans since people can still participate in remote versions of the community without doing that, sometimes even having it federate. It’s a hack until site bans can be federated with remote versions of communities.
Hmm. Well, when that happened to me, it was only a ban from those communities. I was still able to participate in others.
You can still participate in communities you were site banned from at least at the moment since they haven’t implemented that feature yet and the scripted bans only are enacted in communities you participated in prior to the site ban.
Okay, so it’s just that a “site ban” isn’t.
Yeah, site bans ≠ community bans. What Site bans do is to is stop federation requests to the instance you’re site banned from but they don’t stop you from participating in the community.
It’s blahaj zone, at this point it’s old news that they would literally welcome a person in blackface acting a caricature of a slave into a racially diverse community. They believe you hate mockeries of minorities because you hate minorities. I’m 🤏 very close to blocking the whole instance. So counterproductive.
Dragons aren’t even real. An occupation, hobby, or sexual preference isn’t a gender identity. First and second person pronouns aren’t misgendering. So stupid how long that has went on. I’d get banned from the whole instance for this paragraph. Hey guess what, lines need to be drawn, and those who cross it should be removed. Would you want a Minecraft fan calling their Minecraft enjoyment a mental disorder a prominent figure in a community for people with mental disorders? Call out the fakers and ban them ffs. Yes, you can fake being transgender. For starters, you can’t fucking transition into a dragon rider.
Edit: noticed more pictures on this post. Didn’t dragonfucker literally harass draconicneo with porn, nudes, death threats, and suicide encouragement like? Why is draconicneo defending this good for nothing bully who never grew up? The gate should be kept to exclude offensive caricatures and fakers used to make minorities look bad. Hey guess what, they exist.
Ugh what’s next, defending actual cis men playing in women’s sports to win more and going in the women’s restroom to rape people? Right, calling that out would be gatekeeping too huh? Yeah, that’ll definitely have less people side with transphobic politicians. I hope blahaj does not get big like bluesky, they are literally setting LGBT rights wayyyy back to nazi germany at this point.
Not what’s happening at all. The admin just doesn’t want users to be the ones dealing with trolls by dogpiling them because it attracts more and amplified bigotry to an already vulnerable space. Users are asked to block and report troll users instead of misgendering and it works wonderfully.
Your comparison of LBZ to Nazi Germany is disgusting victim blaming and betrays a stunning lack of empathy.
The gate should be kept to exclude offensive caricatures and fakers used to make minorities look bad. Hey guess what, they exist.
They wanted freedom for marginalized folk to explore their gender identities - this is valid. Unfortunately, in search of that, they decided that that meant that no discussion or dissent could be made as to where the lines are on what gender is, or even whether there should be lines. This is gibberish.
I hope blahaj does not get big like bluesky, they are literally setting LGBT rights wayyyy back to nazi germany at this point.
Nah. Of all the factors sending LGBT rights backwards, backlash against weird groups who don’t know when to stop isn’t one of them. Would be like blaming racist backlash in the late 70s and 80s on Black Supremacists emerging during and after the Civil Rights movement. Or sexist backlash in the same period being in response to Lesbian Separatists and the like. Such people exist, and they’re silly, but they’re not influential on a scale larger than… well…
This. Here. Small communities.
Why is draconicneo defending this good for nothing bully who never grew up?
What do you think would happen to an actually vulnerable person who really needs and values the queer-accepting space, if they went against the groupthink and started saying they didn’t accept dragonfucker and in fact that person had done some messed up stuff?
(I have no idea if DraconicNEO is that, I’m just saying that anybody at this point who is in that category is now required to accept and be obedient to trolls, or else they will be ostracized too, and they clearly have more to lose from it than PugJesus.)
they are literally setting LGBT rights wayyyy back to nazi germany at this point.
I have no idea what the goal was from the blahaj admins, but from at least some of the trolls, I think it’s pretty obvious that this is the point.
They should go to an actually queer accepting space. Accepting literal bigoted mockeries is not acceptance. This reminds me of the “radqueer” thing on Tumblr and TikTok where people who copy and fake disorders or LGBT identities are accepted. Even better they would call themselves trans [disorder] like trans-blind for example, because they wish they were blind. Actually blind people would be referred to cis-blind Because transgender people just wish they were the gender they identify as, right? It’s infuriating.
The gates and lines serve a purpose. It is okay to exclude bigots.
They should go to an actually queer accepting space.
Yeah, fair point. Pretty much all of Lemmy is queer-positive.
I sort of suspect that some of the nuttiness on blahaj is because the whole rest of Lemmy (a handful of tankies aside) is queer-positive, so they had to get really outlandish with it in order to be able to stand out in any way as “officially queer friendly,” more so than the other instances. And it also seems like they might have inherited some of Hexbear’s early-Lemmy “I am officially the right grouping, so I get to be an absolute knobhead and it is ok” ethos. But the truth is all of that is is just guessing. I have no idea.
I sort of suspect that some of the nuttiness on blahaj is because the whole rest of Lemmy (a handful of tankies aside) is queer-positive, so they had to get really outlandish with it in order to be able to stand out in any way as “officially queer friendly,” more so than the other instances. And it also seems like they might have inherited some of Hexbear’s early-Lemmy “I am officially the right grouping, so I get to be an absolute knobhead and it is ok” ethos. But the truth is all of that is is just guessing. I have no idea.
I think it’s the Tumblr swarm mentality, personality.
I sort of suspect that leftist communication places which show some kind of potential for people to develop unity, agree on common ground and form connections which might eventually be able to grow into something like /r/50501 or /r/SandersForPresident or something, become absolutely infested with bizarre hot-button arguing about vegan cat food or “transracial” or whether dragon is a gender, to pretty effective detriment of them being able to do that other thing. How much of it is from column “it be like that” and how much from column “it is on purpose to destroy the left,” I have no idea at all.
You’re not wrong. But also, the people who seem to be telling you that even bringing this whole issue up or worrying about it with any level of impassioned-ness might just be adding fuel to the bullshit, may kind of have a point I think. But yes, also, you’re not wrong.
You’re not wrong. But also, the people who seem to be telling you that even bringing this whole issue up or worrying about it with any level of impassioned-ness might just be adding fuel to the bullshit, may kind of have a point I think. But yes, also, you’re not wrong.
Like I said elsewhere in this thread - the only reason it got brought up to begin with was the accusation that everyone who left Blahaj on 196 did so because they were transphobes, and I wasn’t going to just smile and take that.
Yeah. I thought about wading into a big spiteful discussion about the precise meaning of the words “transphobia” and “misgendering” and the specific way they are being defined and used in this thread, and then I thought, “You know what? Not my circus, not my monkeys. It is of no concern.”
Guys: Are you (all of you) still going to be doing big performative stinks about this on whichever side, when the rate of people going into the camps goes into the thousands, or hundreds of thousands, instead of just big handfuls like they have now? That thing the German tourist said about people screaming the whole time she was there sort of got brushed aside in passing, when I felt like it should have gotten a lot more scrutiny.
Drag is a troll, and when you lie down with dogs you get fleas.
Don’t compare that troll to dogs
Dogfucker will be the next gender to be defended, don’t worry.
“My gender is a quintuple-spirit, a label I’ve created; I believe my gender identity combines elements normally included in different gender labels and I feel NB is too broad” - Conceptually valid. I can’t say how true or ‘deep’ any given gender label is, but I’m generally inclined to let people be themselves and try to assist them in their journeys of self-discovery, whether this is where it begins or ends. Rock on, Spirit-Of-Many-Spirits.
“My gender is a chair.” - Nonsense.
You’re really laying it on thick here how much you love queer people. Slippery slope fallacies galore.
“Gay people wanna be married? What’s next, men and dogs?! Men and chairs?!”
You’re really laying it on thick here how much you love queer people. Slippery slope fallacies galore.
“Gay people wanna be married? What’s next, men and dogs?! Men and chairs?!”
Dragons, apparently. Didn’t realize Dragongender was acceptable but Chairgender wasn’t. Sounds like someone caught the transphobe disease 😲