Talking out both sides of its mouth is a very powerful for a state. You can preach all kinds of hard-to-deliver forms of freedom and liberty, and then you deliver just enough that the hegemony feels satisfied and then you can stop bothering.
That trick is getting harder what with all the smart phones and websites making it easier and easier to see through the facade. You can still crush whistleblowers without much issue, though. And if you flood the web with all kinds of things, people won’t know what to believe!
Lemme just send a great piece of text right next to the most racist drawing of a Chinese person possible.
oh lol i wasn’t even looking at the kids
sure it’s not above criticism but “the most racist imagineable”? i hate to break it to you how disgustingly worse it can get
That’s fair. For example (although I’d argue this individual deserves it)
bwahaha thanks for the perspective
They made superman woke! /s
Superman Smashes the Klan is loosely based on a 16-part episode story-arc, “Clan of the Fiery Cross”, from the radio serial Adventures of Superman which ran from June to July 1946.[3][6][8] In the radio serial, “Superman exposed Ku Klux Klan codewords, rituals, and its bigotry—all based on intel collected by activist Stetson Kennedy—before a national audience. The show damaged the group’s reputation and led to a steep decline in membership from which the KKK never recovered”.[6]
So superman actually actually fought the clan? That’s incredible.
Yes! Fought and effectively disgraced the kkk image while ALSO wrecking their password and operations security. 🎉