I didnt equate fasicm with communism. I equated the behavior of common people living in authocratic, injustice countries. If it helps you, I can use stories I heard from Syrians. As far as I know, Assad was just arsehole, without any special politcal agenda. But I dont know much about Syria. And in the end, it will be the same I assume.
Your actual historical analysis is more like a … “Dissent opinion” … I dont know where you get your “facts” from but really, try to get better sources. Or learn to interpret your sources better.
Fore example: You try to lecture me about the GDR, without knowing whats really about.
And by your conclusions about the economics: You want to justify despotism and torture with economical troubles? Really? I thought you were a communist, not a fascist.
And at last: My Grandmother wasnt sympathzing with the nazis, she was more like anti-fascist. You really have no clue about societies in authocratics regimes. You need to need learn a lot more. Probably try to travel to a country which overcame it just a little while ago. Talk to the people, inform yourself there. Youll get it then.
Syria is far worse under the current regime than it was under Assad, as you say, you don’t actually know what you’re talking about. Pretty self-aware of you to say.
As for facts and data, no, I get mine from mainstream sources and data from after the opening of the Soviet Archives. Just because I don’t bother with PragerU doesn’t mean I’m wrong, you haven’t actually been able to address anything I’ve said on a factual basis so you resort to dodging and dismissing.
You do that again with the DDR, you just say I don’t know anything rather than actually addressing what I say. What’s the point? Who are you convincing? Nobody, at this point, you have nothing to actually contest what I say and you aren’t convincing me.
As for torture and despotism, I don’t approve, that’s why I’m against the US Empire and its puppet regimes.
Thanks for the advice, but I already do, minus the travel. I’d like to some day. I suggest you do the same, and read books like Shock Doctrine and The Jakarta Method, which detail how 7 million people died during the transition from Socialism to Capitalism, and read about how the majority of people living in post-Soviet states wish they were still Socialist.
I didnt equate fasicm with communism. I equated the behavior of common people living in authocratic, injustice countries. If it helps you, I can use stories I heard from Syrians. As far as I know, Assad was just arsehole, without any special politcal agenda. But I dont know much about Syria. And in the end, it will be the same I assume.
Your actual historical analysis is more like a … “Dissent opinion” … I dont know where you get your “facts” from but really, try to get better sources. Or learn to interpret your sources better.
Fore example: You try to lecture me about the GDR, without knowing whats really about.
And by your conclusions about the economics: You want to justify despotism and torture with economical troubles? Really? I thought you were a communist, not a fascist.
And at last: My Grandmother wasnt sympathzing with the nazis, she was more like anti-fascist. You really have no clue about societies in authocratics regimes. You need to need learn a lot more. Probably try to travel to a country which overcame it just a little while ago. Talk to the people, inform yourself there. Youll get it then.
Syria is far worse under the current regime than it was under Assad, as you say, you don’t actually know what you’re talking about. Pretty self-aware of you to say.
As for facts and data, no, I get mine from mainstream sources and data from after the opening of the Soviet Archives. Just because I don’t bother with PragerU doesn’t mean I’m wrong, you haven’t actually been able to address anything I’ve said on a factual basis so you resort to dodging and dismissing.
You do that again with the DDR, you just say I don’t know anything rather than actually addressing what I say. What’s the point? Who are you convincing? Nobody, at this point, you have nothing to actually contest what I say and you aren’t convincing me.
As for torture and despotism, I don’t approve, that’s why I’m against the US Empire and its puppet regimes.
Thanks for the advice, but I already do, minus the travel. I’d like to some day. I suggest you do the same, and read books like Shock Doctrine and The Jakarta Method, which detail how 7 million people died during the transition from Socialism to Capitalism, and read about how the majority of people living in post-Soviet states wish they were still Socialist.