He really isnt, outside the plot point of where the dagger that killed the witch king came from.
The Scouring of the Shire, on the other hand…
Since they didn’t get trapped in the barrow downs (and subsequently saved by Tom) they didn’t find the barrow swords, specifically enchanted to be effective against the
whichwitch King.When merry stabs the
whichwitch king therefore nothing should happen.literally unwatchable.
Why didn’t just Tom wear the Ring as he makes passionate love with his wife, so he can force Sauron to watch.
Sauron, who is a virgin, who never had a gf and was dismembered and reduced to a giant eye by a fucking human would realize he is nothing compared to Tom, whose girth is beyond even Eru Ilúvatar’s comprehension.
Wishing to die but unable to kill himself as he doesn’t even have a fucking hand to pull the trigger, he would order his orc armies to piss on him, so that the flames of his eye can be extinguished and his mind can be set free of Tom’s all encompassing girth. His spirit would be released to the boundless void that ripples and contorts with Tom’s mighty thrusts and he would find no solace.
Edit: When Tom thrusts his final thrust and shoots a billion Bombadillos deep into Goldberry’s loins, the impact would shatter Sauron’s soul into a billion Saurodillos and he would be free. When this happens, not even the wisest can tell.
Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped.
But also, the ring has no power over Bombadil, so Sauron would see nothing.