Edit: I love this community so much, thank you all for trying to help!
Probably not as good as walking/running…but the elliptical at a gym could really do the trick with very little knee pressure.
I ran a lot when I was younger; had to stop because of a knee injury, too. It never stops sucking but hopefully you can find something better on your knees that still helps you.
The fact that running reduced your symptoms is absolutely awesome, it’s never been as effective for me. It’s proof that you CAN beat this, that things can change. That is the ULTIMATE win. You’ve got this!
Holy shit. This is what’s wrong with me. I was working and taking 15,000 steps a day and now I’m staying home with the kids and getting no exercise other than the anxiety of running back and forth between them.
Same. I switched to skipping (jump rope) and haven’t looked back.
Try cycling. Much easier on the knees.
Even just walking at a Brisk pace is better. In fact if you’re not actually sprinting there’s no real Health difference between jogging and walking quickly other than the affirmation less pressure on the knees
Do swimming, too. It’s even better on the whole body
I did pivot to cycling. But once my knee is already shit, even cycling often makes it worse. So I pivoted to swimming. Swimming was fine so far, but just now, my knee started hurting after a few laps, which inspired me to vent my frustration through this meme.
Is it possible that you simply don’t let your body recover long enough?
Also, have you tried physical therapy? I had quite a lot of pain from running, but it turned out, the supporting muscles in my legs were just too weak, so my joints kind of jostled around. A few weeks of cringy looking exercises help a lot.
I was in bed with a cold for like 10 days, and it was still painful within minutes of walking after that. How much more rest should I get? My doctor said I shouldn’t completely stop moving because that’d weaken the muscles and make re injury super likely.
Unfortunately, I can’t afford th co pay right now. I’ll probably get some medical massages though, since those are entirely covered.
Lying in bed with a cold is not “recovery”. While your body is fighting illness it is not prioritizing repairing your knee unfortunately. Easy movement and no sitting still for prolonged periods/in awkward positions and eating lots of protein and healthy food is recovery. And try to follow a beginner training plan afterwards so you don’t try to progress to fast + learn about the “10% rule”.
Two weeks is not a lot of time.
There’s a middle ground between complete rest and running: walking.
And you don’t need any fancy massages, just google a few exercises to strengthen your knees and do those for a few weeks. Maybe pad the schedule with a bit of calisthenics.
Same here. I switched to cycling.
I was standing up from the toilet one day and my knee pooped and it hurts randomly now
Fuck, that sucks!
Idk why but you saying it like it is improved my mood just now