I’ve sent a quote request for 20,000 mugs made of 304. Also sent a plain text link to this thingiverse page of a Slayer Stout mug (hopefully that doesn’t flag the message as spam). Maybe I’ll get a kickstarter going, or one of those group buy things but I forget the name of the website I’m thinking of. Lots of fancy metal keycaps on there.
Shout out to thingiverse user Pandabeer30 who made the mug.
They should be made of ROCK and STONE!
@[email protected] Did you hear back about the quote request?
No, I think the link to the thingiverse item I sent put me in the spam folder. I’ll try again soon (once exams are done), and request quotes from other foundries.
I mean, they might be heavy as hell and that’s why they opted for plastic. Waiting for the quote response tho.