I had this dish in Denver. The bar tended to sell mexican food, but I am not sure if this is specifically a mexican dish.
The actual meal itself (onion, coconut etc) I am not looking for specifically. I haven’t been able to find a recipe where crispy rice in general is made in a cast iron pan.
The bottom and sides were crispy, and the middle was very creamy rice. Does anyone have a recipe or suggestions?
You don’t know the name of the place? From the looks of it, it might be some sort of Risotto.
Ah apologies, yes I absolutely know the place.
It’s a take on sticky coconut sticky rice. This isn’t a very authentic process to making it, so I can’t speak to the quality of instructions, but it hits the right notes: soak the rice, infused with coconut milk, spice and cover
Cooking it on a cast iron skillet will be tricky to avoid burning if you’re not super familiar with controlling the heat. You’ll probably burn it the first few tries instead of just making it crispy, but give it a shot.
Edit: oops forgot the link