You are correct. Imma leave it though. So that your comment doesn’t look crazy
I offer absurdist edits of absurdist Heathcliff comics and c/keeptrack of absurdist government.
You are correct. Imma leave it though. So that your comment doesn’t look crazy
This is one of those rare cases where I want that super cheap extra thin cut bacon.
Thank you. This kind of information was exactly what I wanted in the comments.
As a person who started on a 286 this seems blazing fast. Just wish it had ports for power, HDMI and USB
I opened my pantry to find just one can and one pouch of tuna. Not enough for three people. I offered a solution. They have the tuna. I do the same exact thing but use up that can of salmon hiding in the pantry for myself. There was a counter offer, they drive me to the dollar store for more tuna. I took the offer.
I used to do huevos rancheros a lot a year ago. But found that my wife isn’t really a fan. But if I took all the exact same stuff and put it in a burrito she would devour it. So breakfast burritos are now the default here.
“What are your thoughts about adding an egg per my other comment.”
Rate this translation.
As a person that spent a few months in Ohio during the 80s I share your aversion to hit tuna. But tuna melts are awesome.
I’m almost with you. But I believe that sandwiches should be handled food. And even inside the sandwich that would have made this impossible to eat without a fork and knife. Though I do have way too many eggs.
New stuff to add to the car kit bag for the 21st century
In the interests of national security we should always have a plan to seize the Panama Canal because of its strategic importance during a war. It would be irresponsible to not have such a plan.
But this is irresponsible on a completely different level. This is “let’s invade Iraq” level stupidity. Trump ran on not having started any wars in his prior term. He ran on ending existing wars. Now that he is in he has talked about starting wars with all our neighbors and other allies. He doesn’t call them wars but that’s what they would be.
Here is a map of each place he has threatened. Instead of protecting our national security he is a threat to it. The president is a threat to national security. We got here because the cult of personality was determined to defeat the opposition even if they destroyed themselves in the process. They have fucked us all to own the libs. Even if Trump left office today it would take us decades to recover from the damage he has done to us.
Not my gravity well, not my problem.
There is no shortage of shells for them to eat. My wife will scramble or hard boil and mash a bunch of the reject eggs, shells and all, and feed them to the birds.
I would never shoot into the sky. What goes up must come down.
Good eye. We have two Easter eggers but one of them lays very thin shelled eggs that seldom survive. And the other one isn’t much better.
Do a stool sample for parasites and you will find all kinds of eggs coming from cats.
I’m a little afraid to look for the beef version. No. I’m very afraid.