Original comic by Azul Crescent
Description: A three panel comic.
In the first panel the protagonist lies on a therapy couch. She says: “…getting into relationships seems so much easier for other people. I don’t know if I’m being too picky or guarded. It’s just hard. It feels like something’s wrong with me somehow. I’m scared that I’ll be left alone while everyone around me finds love and happiness.” In the therapist’s chair next to the couch sits a child, taking notes and hmm-hmming.
The second panel is a close up of the child: “I think I see what your problem is, Miss Crescent.” The protagonist curiously asks: “Really, doc?”
The third panel is another close up of the child, more intense than the one before. She says: “You have a mild case of severe skill issue.” The disappointed protagonist replies: “Darn.”
Are you telling me the literal child therapist from “inner child’s therapy service” isn’t good at their job?