• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Lol that sounds like it’s reasonable and profitable in the long term, get it the fuck out of here.

    We need to maximize this next quarter because, well, we’re not really sure but it better be maximized. We understand that we could have a stress free, guaranteed profitable business five years from now but we really really need to just squeeze this fucker for everything it’s worth right now.

    Money. Now.

    Less money, but now. Less logic now. Everything now, like right fucking now. We still don’t understand why we’re doing this, it could very well be categorized as a mental illness, the way that we absolutely on purpose cause a shit load of pain and suffering on everything that crosses our path in the name of just a little bit of more money now, but it’s okay because for some reason (the reason is more money right now) it’s been glorified in our media and it’s way more acceptable than showing just the smallest amount of empathy so we’re just going to keep doing it.

    Any time that someone raises the point that there’s something fundamentally wrong with capitalism, were just going to tell them that they aren’t shaking hands firmly enough or making good enough eye contact during interviews with their own dad, because again, we are not allowed to do empathy. I don’t think we were ever taught that in business school, but it’s implied so in order to be successful we just need to keep absolutely demolishing everything else around us that could make us human in order to maintain profit and image.

  • I am humans lmao, I can see that. I feel like what I said is a bit more of a stretch, but from a proofreading/editors standpoint, it’s not excusable.

    Bonus story, in fifth grade, I had to write an essay and I swear to god I wrote “ov” instead of “of” and I had an internal battle about which it should be knowing damn well how to spell much more complex words. After I settled it, I could feel my ears get hot from the embarrassment of even having to deal with it. I wrote ov naturally, then just saw it in writing and was like no, there’s no way. Then I erased it and wrote of, then thought no fucking way, there’s no way they landed on ‘f’ for a ‘v’ sound.

    English is and always will be German, French, and Spanish in a trenchcoat pretending to be one language.