I’m so ready to never fly or drive to the 51st or 52nd states or Alaska. Alaska and Hawaii and Puerto Rico are the WTF parts of the US. Like how come they are not just independent nations?
I’m so ready to never fly or drive to the 51st or 52nd states or Alaska. Alaska and Hawaii and Puerto Rico are the WTF parts of the US. Like how come they are not just independent nations?
Maybe your boss can develop software all by his or her self now lop.
Above all…what’s the point? No one in their right mind wants to live there except for Canadians! Its fucking cold! Its amazing anything happens there at all. Regardless, it’s their country and Trump is one full blown grade A dumbass. I like Canadians!
That’s how we roll…remember that when they order you to shoot me just for being brown. Oh I’d give it a couple of weeks more by the pace of this Mongolian clusterfuck of a government.
Translation: your phone runs fine right now… Well not anymore! Introducing more Bloatware! Your phone has never crawled like this before.
Okay, I give up… Yeah, its a layoff…
No worries! You’re not loosing your job! This is your tax cuts at work!
I didn’t! But I’m a guy! My wife didn’t. Not up my butt!
Its Yemen! We must attack!
Tell them you’ll bring the music but instead play books at them during quiet times…lord of the rings anyone?
I admit that I block the furry and all its sexual representation on fedi when I see it. It doesn’t turn me on that much and feels weird. But that’s the same feeling a woman or man would have towards a gay person of the same sex or similar of different gender. This is sexism at its core. WTF!
Yeah, gimmy Linux instead!
I found a saner way!!! Go flush your toilet right now and listen carefully. See if there isn’t a saner economical strategy coming from the noises it makes…hooo shuuuuu…stop tariffs dummies!.. Hoooo shuuuuuuu…jail turomp turomp turomp!
I’m not gonna believe any of it. It’s probably not just backdored, it probably has its central server at the FBI. Google/Apple/Microsoft have zero respect for your privacy.
I propose bringing all the hungry canines over to meet Elon. It should be televized.
It’s laser time boys!
They don’t have to! We just want the dirt part of Canada.
Just like he wants the dirt part of Gaza. The people should move on to magical lands such as Greenland, Blue land, but most preferably brown land south.
Trump is fighting the proliferation of math and mathlabs. They’ve even found a guy making math right in his basement. Its mostly Mexicans, Chinese and Canadians bringing math over the border.