flatpaks are supposed to be cross-distro. Maintainers only have one package to look after instead of several
Edit: autocorrect got me
flatpaks are supposed to be cross-distro. Maintainers only have one package to look after instead of several
Edit: autocorrect got me
But what if you have multiple optional parameters?
They have pretty different use cases. Localstorage is for when you want persistence across page loads, not necessarily specific to any particular page but specific to a browser. An example would be storing user-selected light or dark mode.
Query parameters are specific to a page/URL and you get a lot of things for free when you use them:
Query parameters are good for things like searches, filters, sorting, etc
Query parameters are junk? They have tons of legitimate uses, they’re one of the better places to keep state.
The part I’m calling out as untrue is the „magic 8 ball” comment, because it directly contradicts my own personal lived experience. Yes it’s a lying, noisy, plagiarism machine, but its accuracy for certain kinds of questions is better than a coin flip and the wrong answers can be useful as well.
Some recent examples
Just because you don’t have the problems that LLMs solve doesn’t mean that nobody else does. And also, dude, don’t scold people on the internet. The fediverse has a reputation and it’s not entirely a good one.
Well that’s just blatantly false. They’re extremely useful for the initial stage of research when you’re not really sure where to begin or what to even look for. When you don’t know what you should read or even what the correct terminology is surrounding your problem. They’re “Language models”, which mean they’re halfway decent at working with language.
They’re noisy, lying plaigarism machines that have created a whole pandora’s box full of problems and are being shoved in many places where they don’t belong. That doesn’t make them useless in all circumstances.
Sure, but you at least have something to work with rather than whatever you know off the top of your head
Because it’s like a search box you can explain a problem to and get a bunch of words related to it without having to wade through blogspam, 10 year old Reddit posts, and snippy stackoverflow replies. You don’t have to post on discord and wait a day or two hoping someone will maybe come and help. Sure it is frequently wrong, but it’s often a good first step.
And no I’m not an AI bro at all, I frequently have coworkers dump AI slop in my inbox and ask me to take it seriously and I fucking hate it.
I self host a bookmark tool literally called hoarder. Save stuff to it all the time, never ever go look at it.
Charybdis, hippo, appa, Momo, pabu
If you want to self-host, I recommend a used business thin client, docker + docker-compose, and Tailscale for access away from home if needed. Don’t forget to dump & back up nightly.
Edit: thin client because it beats a pi in every respect and doesn’t run on an SD card. Tailscale because you don’t have to open ports in your firewall and point a public domain at your house.
Or you could use hosted services, neon.tech and turso both offer really generous free tiers for SQL databases.
Or you could use a notebook and pen. Sometimes simplicity is king.
That sounds harder than just using query parameters. What are the benefits?