We knew it was coming.
We knew it was coming.
If you want to DIY something, I have a bash script that builds OpenResty with NAXSI from source. Most of the web apps I write anymore are actually in Lua, for OpenResty, maybe with an API written in something else. But I also help other members of my team deploy their Node and Python apps and stuff, and I always just park those behind OpenResty with NAXSI, just doing a standard nginx reverse proxy.
Every computer I own is an autobot. My primary machine is always Optimus Prime, has been since 2008. Other machines get other names generally slightly inspired by their role / nature. Bumblebee and CliffJumper are miniPCs of various persuasions, Preceptor is my “mess around with AI” box, my big server that handles most of my data and network services is Wheeljack, my Macbook is Mirage, my backup server is Powerglide, my TV (which is an old Dell all in One running Linux Mint) is UltraMagnus.
Oh our dear dear friend Donald, whom we have always respected and admired, how you have been persecuted at the hands of the evil Libs. Man, you sure owned them, with that awesome State of the Union address. Man that was great, The way you like called them out, about how they would never applaud you no matter how much good you did? And man, I got to say, you done so so much good! Like really, you stopped those bad bad, unwhite gay transgendered <racist slur word> people from destroying America. And you made friends with Putin man, you’re like literally creating world peace, one rebuilt Gaza at a time, but those nasty mean Democrats? They could never acknowledge that could they. No they couldn’t. It’s because they don’t understand you, not like we do.
Anyway, so about this DOJ thing…
They’re not.
I wish the problem with the Democratic party was simple corruption, but it’s actually the culture of the people who mostly run for office.
There’s a learning curve, but if you’re familiar with WAF’s it’s not hard.