But what I started to see here, is that people like to share the most greedy ad and trackers filled news sources.
Can you provide examples?
Just browse the All feed and subscribe to the stuff you like. At this point many instances block .ml and hexbear, so you’ll be fine.
It depends on your threat model. If you’re concerned with smaller services getting a strong handle on your identity (e.g. a porn site knowing your actual name), then leaking your IP address may not be a problem.
If you’re worried about your online actions being traced back to you by Google then using a VPN to limit your exposure may help.
If you’re worried about three letter agencies, I’d assume that most VPNs are compromised and try to avoid doing anything online.
I find that many communities with the same name fragments users. Then posters try to post to every community with the same name which produces duplicate posts that fragment conversation. The two noncredibledefense communities are a good example of this, as are the half dozen parenting and dads communities.
It’s a lousy user experience.
What’s the value in duplicating existing communities?
I was looking at their card wallets, but they’re too expensive for me.
I ended up using an elastic from grocery store broccoli. It’s the perfect size to hold four or five cards and it doesn’t cost $60.