Wait does the first digit count or not? On the Mio Mio Mate, “400” includes the 4 that is on the far left of the code, and so does “807” include the leading 8 on the pesto. But following the same rule for the Jack Daniels would give “509,” but it’s listed in the post as “099,” ignoring the leading 5.
Edit: I clicked through and saw the OP’s edit, the Jack Daniels should be 509, the barcode is licensed in the UK.
Smoking proves that you officially Don’t Give a Shit about your long-term health, and Not Giving a Shit is the essence of being cool. I mean, I guess for a long time now “cool” has just meant “good,” but the original “cool” aesthetic was all about acting like you were probably going to die young and looking sexy doing it.
Edit: And smoking definitely contributes to the sexy part. Smoldering embers. Oral fixation. Taking a long drag and letting it out slowly. Maybe it’s not for you, but it sure pushes my buttons, and I know it’s not just me.