I personally don’t have a problem with it used in the context of hentai, to me it seems distinct from trans as a concept/character trait/genre/however you want to phrase it. That said, it’s gross if you use it to refer to a person. I honestly have the same opinion with the 4 letter t word. I know others are bothered a lot more by these terms than I am, so I don’t use them in public online spaces, especially trans oriented ones, but still use them when talking about porn with people in porn contexts in private or in hentai oriented spaces. Not that they ever really come up in public conversation on a way that would make it context appropriate, only really conversations like this.
Again, to be clear, using these terms not just addressing real people but using them in a context implying trans people are those things is disgusting.
There comes a point where you can drive yourself crazy trying to be perfectly ethical with your speech. Personally, I say choose your battles and this isn’t one of em.