Been there, done that.
Been there, done that.
For me the amount is not a problem. I used to be an avid reader during my teens, I’ve read under two hundred books during that period, ranging from fiction to romance. The problem usually is that I’m bored reading them now. I’d prefer reading the entirety of GNU C Manual now because it feels more productive. But fret not, when I burn out of IT, quit and touch grass I will absolutely come back to reading my favorite stories, especially the one where a small mousy mouse fell in love with a scary kaiman and they lived happily ever after after surviving through hell together.
It worked immediatly as I finished the book and I didn’t smoke for 5 months so far
Neat. If only I actually read what I download. Ngl, the only book that I’ve read start to end in the last 8 years was the easy way to stop smoking by alen carr
I find this profound. Might as well invest in my own happiness right now, it’s gonna be a long night anyways 😁